This is what I heard come out of the mouth of my oldest tonight as I went in to give hugs, kisses, prayers, lullabies, and what ever else they think they can squeeze out of me. It makes my heart swell!! I have no doubts that we will probably have a great and blessed day, because my childlike faith son prayed it to be!
As I started to walk out of the room, Johnny started to describing how I looked like Two-Face on Batman. "Boys," I thought. He explained that one side of my face was dark, and the light from the hallway shone on the other side and made it light. He went on to explain how it made him think of good versus evil. "We have to choose the light because the dark is always there, too, waiting to block out the light." It seems simple, but it was an epiphany for my almost ten year old. Then, it started to go into Star Wars and the force of the dark side. Too much to go into detail... Boys, though, right?!?
Before going to bed I asked if he'd like me to pray with him, and of course- anything to keep me in there longer, he said sure. I started to pray that the Lord would help Johnny put on the Full Armor of God. As I prayed over each part, I could see his interest starting to peak. Boy, was he full of questions after I said amen. This week we are going to start a study of Ephesians 6. And for an entire week focus on one part of the armor- until we have done all six.
I urge you to start your day out praying for the Lord to help you put on the full armor of God. We can't be like Christ if we don't start out our day with Christ.