Friday, June 18, 2010

Sweet bros and story time

Johnny was playing wii (Mario Bros!) and I heard Joel ask, "Johnny,
will you read dis to me?" I was expecting to hear "NO Joel!" I never
would have guessed Johnny's sweet reply of, "Sure Joel!" So, I had to
run in and take a picture. :)

Happy Friday!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

It's a "Little House on the Prairie" life for me!

A few weeks ago I saw a preview of a Little House play and thought it would be neat, then they said Mellisa Gilbert (who played Laura Ingalls in the TV series) was playing Ma! I wanted so badly to go, but I knew we just couldn't afford it. Then, a couple days later (without me saying a word to her about it) Mama Jean told me she bought tickets for her and I to go!! I couldn't believe my ears! I wanted to jump up and down and scream like a girl, but I'm much too grown up for that...who am I kidding, I did!! :) Not only were we going to watch a play, we were going early to shop, spending the night, and shopping the next day.

It was so weird to go somewhere with out my kiddos or a husband. But, I did and had a wonderful time!! We went with the Fun After 55 group from church. We got up Thursday morning, met at the church at 7am, on the bus and to Fort Worth we went. We spent the whole day at the Stock yards; ate, watched the cattle drive, shopped, ate some more, took a tour, did I mention that we ate?!? I had never been- it's too cool! I had no idea. I've always heard about it, but never had any desire to go. Well, I can't wait to go back and take the boys!

Here is Mama Jean as we walked around the Stock Yards!
After the Stock Yard we went to the hotel room to rest before the play. I was unsure of what to do at that point. I felt guilty for enjoying time away from the boys. I didn't want to lay down because I felt like I should be doing something. It was a weird feeling. Mama Jean told me to lay down, relax, and enjoy myself. So, I grabbed my book and got under the covers. My cousin, Janine, called and I talked to her-which I never get to without the boys yelling the entire time. We had a good time planing out what we're going to do next month! Disneyland, watch out, the Griffins are coming to town!

This is the girl who played Laura Ingalls! Mellisa Gilbert never came out to sign autographs. :( But, at least I got to see her in person!!!

Friday morning we got back on the bus and headed to Sun Dance Square for more shopping and eating.

Thank you to my handsome husband for taking two days off (when he didn't really have the time to) and taking care of our little munchkins! You're the best!!

And to Mama Jean!! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! I can't tell you how much it means to me that you took me along! I felt overwhelmed just being in the same building with my childhood role-model. I can't imagine what meeting our Savior will be like!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Grace, grace God's Grace...

Grace, grace God's grace...

This song has been stuck in my head for weeks! Every time I think of God (the creator of all things), I think of how unworthy I am, and thankful He sent His Son for me; and He gives us freely if we ask for it! I mean, just think about this for a minute- He created everything! A perfect design.

In the hustle and bustle of life, it can be hard to stop and focus on seeking His face...these days, though, I just can't seem to get enough. I love the fact that no matter where I'm at, He meets me there. I can call on Him and know I'm going to get an answer; A yes, no, or not right now- maybe not the one I want, but I know His will will be done. And- the more I pray, the more I get to know God, and the more I trust my decisions. It has truly made life easier.

However, it seems like the deeper my walk with Christ the harder Satan tries to attack. Not just me, but my family too. He tries anything and everything to get me down. I'm SOOOO thankful for the book (Lies Women Believe And The Truth That Sets Them Free) we read a few weeks back! It has changed my life, prayer life, and lives of friends! God has big things in store for me/us and I'm excited in what's going on in our hearts and lives!

To my friends- thank you for encouraging and pushing me to be a better Christ follower. Thank you for being women of God, eager to honor Jesus with your life. I know I'm blessed to have Christ-centered friends-- and Mama Jean- I don't know what I would do without you! I'm so grateful for the wisdom you have to share!!

Amber- I'm excited about your house. I'm ready to paint or do whatever needs doin'.

Lisa- same goes to you, girlfriend! Even if it's just coming over to play with your boys. I'm sure my guys would just hate to cross the road and go to the Gator Farm. ;-) Thanks again for the school stuff!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kyle's best friend

We had to put Daphne down Saturday. :( It was the hardest decision we've ever had to make.

Daphne was Kyle's girl! He rescued her from the pound when she was a puppy (about 12 or 13 years ago) and they've been best friends ever since. I've never seen a dog who talks to their owner, but she did. When Kyle would walk outside and Daphne wanted his attention she would make a groaning noise. Where ever Kyle went Daphne was sure to follow!

One thing I always thought was neat, Kyle could throw a rock in to the field and she would go sniff it out and bring it back. She would do it as many times as Kyle would throw it. And when he wouldn't throw it anymore, she would just lay down with the rock. It was quite funny!

Daphne picked me before Kyle did actually. She didn't like ANYONE but Kyle. The first time he ever brought me out, we were sitting out on the front porch. Daphne was laying on the step and I went to pet her; Kyle told me not to because she didn't like anyone and might bite at me. Little did he know!!, she not only let me pet her, but didn't want me to stop. A Daphne trade mark, when you stop petting her she will grab your foot with her paw. Kyle couldn't believe his eyes and still to this day jokes about Daph picking me before he knew.

We sure will miss this girl! She was a SMART! and really good dog!

Kyle, does this mean I'm finally your best girl?!? ;)