Thursday, March 14, 2013

A New Morning

How great is our God? His Mercies are new every morning!!

As I sat at the table tying to do my bible study this morning my mind kept drifting and my eyes wondered to the sky. As the sun started to rise and paint it red, I was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit.

Instead of bible study I felt the Lord calling me. So I opened my bible and asked the Lord to show me what he had for me today.  I have "go to" books I like to read, rarely is it in the old testament, but this morning I just opened and let it be. I hope to encourage you in what he shared with me this morning!

Lamentations 3:v22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  I love how our creator loves us, and yesterday doesn't matter! He is faithful and forgave me of my sins.  He gave us this new morning!

v.24 "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."  Do you wait for Him?  I know we are a people of "I want it right now."  We want our food to be quick. We drive fast, are rude and cut each other off. I know I want my desk to be done, like yesterday!! We are just not patient people. We pray and want it answered. Do you have something you've been asking God for and are still waiting on? Are you waiting on a child to find Jesus, or come back? We probably all have a loved ones who don't know and we are praying for. The thing I've learned is he did answer; sometimes it's a, "not right now." If the Lord is my portion, I will wait on him. I don't see the whole picture, I don't know what he is doing in the hearts of those around me. I put my hope and trust in him, because in vs.25-26 it says, "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

Salvation is His. It's about Him. If we consistently focus on the Lord and what we have been saved from, it's there you find your joy. We get so caught up in ourselves; what going on in our life, in today, what's on the calendar. Do you stop at some point in the day? go into a closet? wait for the Lord to speak to you? v.28 "Let him sit alone in silence, for the Lord had laid it on him." Turn off your radio while driving when you're alone, look at the clouds, the bird in the sky. There's beauty in the handiwork of God all around you. Especially as spring is in the air, green grass starts to spread through the fields and flowers start to pop up. It's there He will talk to your heart.

Be still, listen and be patient!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Life as a kindergartner

I love teaching these here Griffin boys and watching them light up when they finally get it!

I wish I could say that were the case for the big smile on Joel's face, but...  Here's the real story. All of Joel's fives looks like S's. So today I showed him- draw a short straight line down, half circle, then give it a hat. He was stuck on the hat! He would do the line, then jump up to the top to give it a hat. About the third time of "try it again" he was still jumping to the hat without a the half circle. So I said, "Joel, you forgot its butt!" He laughed so hard!! But he now knows how to write his 5's! Yay for my big kindergartner!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Alive in Christ

I have found a new life verse! I have read through Ephesians before, but this time there was a passage that really stuck out and made my soul jump for joy!! I encourage you to go read the whole passage later!

Ephesians 2:4-5 says, But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace you have been saved.

I just love, "HE IS RICH IN MERCY," all because he loves us! Can you believe God loves us more than we love our own children? He does.  I wish I could fully grasp that kind of love here on earth.  I love my husband and children more than anyone or anything in the world! I think of times, though, when they argue and backtalk-- I just want to leave them right where they stand, walk into another room, and forget about them for a few minutes.  Or say, "Go tell it to your dad!" God loves us so much that he won't ever turn his back on us or walk away! Aren't you so thankful for that? I am. I so wish I had THAT kind of love! Striving for holiness one day at a time.  Even though I will never get there in this earthly body, I am so thankful he is rich in mercy!!!

Happy Monday! Hope you have a great week!!