Monday, December 10, 2012

A Christlike Unity

Do you feel lost, bitter, or have a hardened heart? How have you been wronged? Who has wronged you?  Are you in a rut and don't know how to get out?  

James 1:2-3 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."

What is God trying to teach you through your trials today? Is he trying to refine you and draw you back/closer to Him! Don't let your sin break your fellowship with God.  "Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear." Isaiah 59:1-2

After a much needed one on one with God today he reminded me that HE is the only way, the light unto my path!! It's not my pastors job, my Sunday School teacher, my husband, my friends...they are all a big part in my growth, but they are not my light. We are all human, and we will fail each other. But we are called to be like love each other-- to forgive each other. Even if you don't feel they deserve it. Jesus still loves you deserve it?

I was reminded today of how much Jesus loves us; he came to earth, knowing he would be hated, despised and rejected by men, spat upon, beaten, betrayed by those closest to him.  Yet, he still loved them and died for them. He gave his life [willingly] in one of the most brutal ways imaginable.  Because he loves you and me! WOW!! Can we just stop right here and reflect on that for a moment.....

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Isaiah 53:7

I have enjoyed my study time in Isaiah: "The Cup of the Lord's Wrath," "Invitation to the Thirsty," "Sin, Confession and Redemption," (just to name a few) have all been satisfying to the soul! I encourage you to look them up and read it as well. 

 I pray that you were encouraged here today. That the Lord has filled your heart, and that you can go out and spread His love. Whose heart do you need to invest in?  Take the time to love someone who's unlovable by worldly standards. Don't be the judge, be a little piece of heaven....even if they shun you. You never know what seed you've planted. Even at his death, Jesus didn't give up on people. At least God isn't calling you to die for them, right?

Friday, October 26, 2012

How Free Are We?

I'm not one to usually post on politics, but it's vital to get this story out!!

Obama has influence and a great deal of control over the media and you're probably not going to hear this story.  Maybe on Fox News.  And if Obama wins again, the internet as we know it is gone.

On September 11, 2012 Tyrone Woods heard a call for help from the U.S. consulate in Libya. He and one other American, in a safe house a few miles away, went on their own accord to help. They weren't ordered by their commanders- they just went... True AMERICAN Hero's!

The dad, Charles Woods, went to Andrews Air Force Base to receive his son's body. There to greet the families of these four slain Americans in Benghazi was President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Hilary Clinton. Woods said Obama wouldn't even look him in the eyes, and when Obama said he was sorry he could tell they were empty words. Obama shook his hand and Woods described it as "shaking hands with a cold dead fish."  Charles Woods told Glenn Beck he had no plans on talking until he received such a cold greeting and then learned that Obama lied to him. Obama told Woods he was sorry and that they didn't know- had no idea anything was going on. Read more on this HERE!

Now just remember that Libya was on HIGH ALERT since September 9th!!  Obama was well aware of the situation. The White House was alerted to the cries for help seven hours prior. They did, in fact, know it was coming and ordered two battle ships and special forces to stand down. Why, you ask. Good question...One Obama refuses to answer. O_o What's really upsetting is that  President Obama and the Secretary of State sat and watched it all unfold in real time...AND DID NOTHING!!

As for Joe Biden, I have no word. (My momma taught me, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say nothing at all) I let you read his greeting to the grieving parents HERE and let you decide for yourself.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A joyful heart and FREE give away

God is graciously working in my life.  It's hard at times to "let go" and to "let God." But it's amazing at the things He will do, if you just let him!!

I'm reading a book (for the second time and it means something completely different this time) that teaches you how to raise your children for God. More on this in a second...

I've been working so hard at controlling our day: the school schedule, the playing, cleaning house, doing laundry, t.v. time, meals, our hearts and attitudes.  I have come to realize that I don't hold much of the control at all. Nor do I want to. It's exhausting!!  My job to lead by love.  If my heart is right, they will usually follow.  I want to teach self-control and let the Holy Spirit do the guiding.  Now that Johnny has come to know the Lord and has accepted him into his heart, I don't have to be that forceful guide any longer. Over the past two weeks, I've let go and let God, and I see a HUGE difference in attitudes and work ethics!!

Last week the boys and I started doing a study on the Fruit of the Spirit.  The first week was love...easy enough! Every day we had to find something we loved about each other.  We had to be mindful of showing love to everyone, and in everything we did...even school work. :-/ That was a tough one for one of my little blessings! But he did it! This week is joy, and what a joy it is.... Every morning this week as we lay in my bed and do our bible study, we let joy fill our hearts and with excitement as we worship Jesus. Joy is truly infectious. As I was making lunch I was trying to get the boys to pick up their pj's and toys. I became annoyed at the laughing and playing that was going on instead of the obedient children I wanted them to be.  I sternly said, "Boys! You're not doing as I asked! Now please, get busy!"  Joel, my sweet Joel, laughingly says, "Momma, where's your joy?" Now how cute is that?! God quickly spoke to my heart-- "Your prayer this morning was that they would find joy in each others company and learn to be best friends, not just brothers who fight and pick at one another, remember?!" I finished up lunch while listening to them play and have a good time, and then I ended up picking up pj's, socks, and slippers. :-/  They, however, picked up their own toys!

Our verse this morning was Luke 15:10 "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."  As I told my boys, ask for forgiveness and the angels sing praises over you!  Don't miss out on that blessing, friends. Search your heart, what unwanted sin lingers in the shadows?

Okay. So I want to do a give away contest on this book I'm reading, Loving Our Kids On Purpose by Danny Silk. Because I love it so much. One of my favorite quotes in the book, "Teaching your child self control and freedom is better than intimidating them into submission!"

Here's how it's going to work:
1. Leave me a comment or email on how God has filled your heart with joy for the day.
2. Post this blog to your facebook wall...leave me a message telling me you did so, though.

(You can do this every day until next Tuesday and I'll put your name in the drawing each time). Winner will be announced next Wednesday!

I leave you with this, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Did you know...

...a lion's mane jellyfish has tentacles that can grow to be over 100 feet long? One of two of the longest, most magnificent creatures God put on earth. We learned that the other is the blue whale.

When Johnny asked me how long 100ft was,  well, we just had to go outside and walk it off! They were amazed at how far it was, and how long the tentacles can be.

I love watching my little ones light up as we learn!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


"I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me."  Proverbs 8:17

Johnny came to me this morning asking if he needed to be baptized again because he doesn't feel God in his heart.  I assured him that nothing or no one can take his salvation away from him. But, he has to choose to see the Lord every day in everything he does. It shows in his actions, his tone of voice, in his eyes. He said, "It's like playing hide-and-seek with the Holy Spirit! I have to look for him!"


Deuteronomy 4:29 says, But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Choose to see Christ and what he's doing in your day. Let the Holy Spirit take control of your heart and strive to be more like Jesus. Especially to your loved ones! We so often take them for granted and give them less...deny yourself and do something you normally wouldn't do!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I still do!

Eleven years ago today, I said "I do" to my best friend.

Out of all the fish in the sea, I caught the best one!! What an adventure it's been! I couldn't imagine life without you. I have never known anyone who loves as deeply and passionately as you do. I'm a lucky girl!

You lead this family with love, grace, and patience. You point us toward God and his design for our family. I pray for Him to continue giving you wisdom-- as I willingly and gretefuly submit to your lead.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Church camp

This cutie patootie is at camp this week. Please join me in praying for his heart to be prepared for the things God has in store for him. And for all the kids at camp this week, that they will learn to be mighty warriors for His kingdom!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Committed and Intentional

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6

As a little girl I knew the only job I wanted was to be a mother and I couldn't wait for it. Little did I know, it would be the hardest thing I'd ever do-- much more than I bargained for. There is no way I could do it on my own.  I have a great husband; He is there to help me with anything and everything.  There are grandparents all around that will jump when needed. But greatest of all, I have a faithful God helping me on this path of motherhood!

From the time I had my first born I cherished the verse in Proverbs 22:6.  But often I have struggled with the question, "why do so many kids who grew up in Christian homes consider faith boring and irrelevant when they grow up?" I've seen so many turn their backs completely. There are also ones (like me) who graduate and haven't embraced faith as their own. Last week on vacation we visited a church and the speaker talked about this very passage and asked, "Is this verse foolproof," and proceeded to say, "Absolutely not." Only in the past couple of years have I come to grasp the depth and meaning of this verse.  I think (and this is my opinion) that it is very much foolproof.  I think the bible is God's word and it IS! So, I take this verse as a promise from God that my boys won't depart from him.  I don't mean that they won't stray and wander down a different path...we do, after all, have free will.  But I have "the hope" that they will always come back!

A few years ago I was okay with just taking my boys to Sunday School and church. They were learning "it" there, right? The more I studied motherhood and read God's word, the more convicted I started to feel.  I knew I wasn't doing this verse justice. I had to become intentional and committed... It became very real to me that I didn't have a real relationship with my Creator.  I knew about Jesus, because I sat in church, sang all the songs, went to camp, I learned all about Him, but didn't know him... Yikes! I can't teach it if I don't have it.  And who is to say that the Sunday School teachers have it?  It's very possible they are just reading it out of a book and the Holy Spirit isn't leading them.  Scary, huh? I believe I'm very lucky with our teachers, though!

I want more for these little boys that God entrusted into my care! I want to teach them to know, love, and serve Jesus with all their hearts! Deuteronomy 6: 5-7 says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." It's easy to talk about and teach when you're out on a hike, or a walk in the park, or planting in the garden, even fishing. It's not always easy when you have three cranky boys not wanting to go to bed. Like tonight, Johnny was yelling from his bed wanting me to come to him.  I was sleepy and couldn't wait to lay my head on my pillow.  I yelled at him to come see me immediately and scolded him for how rude it was to yell like that.  Then sent him off back to his bed.  All he wanted was hugs, kisses, and a lullaby...which I had already given hugs and kisses.  I was convicted for not using that as a teachable moment.  Shortly after, I walked to his room to apologize, but it was too late-- he had already drifted off to sleep.  God used that as a teachable moment for me; Even though he was sleeping I was able to pray over him and his brothers.  God showed me that it's not too late, I can still tell him sorry in the morning.  I will be on guard and mindful of my patience and kindness tomorrow, and be gentle with these little hearts I call "My Three Sons."

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

I'm only 120 pounds and "the best mom of my life," according to Johnny!  Justin says, I'm 31 years old (shhhh, he doesn't have to know any different!), I'm prettiest when I wear dresses, and I'm funny when I'm in my funny suit. That's Justin for ya! As for Joel, there is no one greater on this earth than "My Momma!"

I LOVE it!! To this here brood I am "SuperMom!" Lucky me!!! They love unconditionally and I hate that I take it for granted at times.

Today was a nice reminder of just what my job here on earth is;  The Spiritual Growth of my Children!  As the preacher talked this morning I embraced every word-- soaking up as much as I could to be a better mother.  I learned that my prayers have to change a little...or maybe a lot.

I've always prayed for my boys and their salvation-- knowing I can't do this without His help. I'll teach them to love the Lord and the only way to eternal life is through Jesus. I want them to lean on God for strength in good times and not only in difficult times. They are unique and He has a plan for their lives....  What if his plan isn't the same as my plan? Am I praying for his will or mine...? I've always had the thought they would grow up and stay close to where ever I'm at.  Johnny's talk about being in the Army will fade, right? I mean, God wouldn't put that in the heart of an eight year old, would he? Probably not, but it's possible.  God knows them better than I do, he does have a plan for them.  I need to be praying that he guides my thoughts, words, and actions to line up with his will.  He can take better care of them than I can!

Happy Mother's Day!