Out of all the women in the world, God chose me to be a mother to three boys--who have captured my heart. They test me and try me. They annoy me and make my ears bleed by talking too much. They love me even when I'm not nice; I'm thankful for their grace and His. God knew I needed to be their mother. He knew I would struggle in guiding them. But, He still chose me and gives me tools and strength. My most dependable tool is prayer!
Prayer is so powerful and vital! I think Satan is so hard at work in my life to discredit its power. He wants me to question God's faithfulness, his power, his love. If I'm distracted by the clutter that Satan fills my heart with, he has me right where he wants me. I have learned to 'Let Go and Let God.' This has become my catch phrase over the last year. I can't do this without praying, though. If something starts to take root in my heart, I stop whatever I'm doing and ask the Lord back in. It's a daily battle, but not one to take on myself! God fights my battles and gives me rest!! "My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:30) I don't have to be weary and heavy-laden, neither do you. I'm especially thankful for Matthew 6:34. He knew I would struggle and because of this verse I have learned to take it one day at a time.
Oh, how God is faithful!!! I have to share a quick story of how he proved that [again] to me just this morning. I got up early to spend time with the Lord before little people would take over my day. Well, really I got up early because my handsome husband who was behind schedule asked me to make his coffee. Taking advantage of the early hour, I wrote in my prayer journal; making categories for each of my boys. One category being 'Instilling Certain Character Traits Through Books.' I prayed over this child and wrapped up my morning.
I went to the computer to check email and a friend's blog post was waiting in my inbox. I opened it and to my delight, its title was Instill Character Through Books! How MIND-BLOWING is that?!? God is SO faithful and fast when you pray in His will! I had to drop to my knees to and thank him!!! A couple of the books I had already read, but as I went searching amazon for the others, I found Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys is free for the kindle. Don't know how long that will last, so go grab it!
He is so awe-inspireing, I really have no more words!