We are faced with the decision of homeschooling or not?? I desperately want to home school, but want to make sure it's the right thing for our family. People keep asking me, "why?" Why do I want to??? I've been in prayer about it for quite some time, but it's really on my heart today. So, I ask my prayer warrior friends to be in prayer for us as we make our decision.
It's not that I think my kids aren't getting a good education in a public school. Or that the teacher Johnny has isn't doing a good job; because I like her a lot and think she's a great teacher!
Education is discipleship. And discipleship is what gets us ready for the world. I am their advocate.. Kyle and I, and the grandparents- It's our job to disciple them and teach them! Not the things of the world. I absolutely do not want the world to disciple my kids! Why do people think it's so important for my first grader to learn to live in this world? I don't want him to become numb to people who curse or flip the bird. I couldn't believe when Johnny came home from school and I asked him how his day was and what he had learned, and he tells me, "I learned how to flip a bird. See, look." Then, he teaches his two and three year old brothers. I DON'T THINK SO! He's not at the age of accountability. It's still my job to shelter him/them. I don't want them to be conditioned to worldly things. They are going to learn the 'things' of the world, but why not as a Christian adult? I want them as adults [age of accountability- which is different for each child] to be able to sift through it biblically and make decisions.
I wonder, how many of you reading this hear the cusing in a movie!? Have you become so numb to it that you don't hear it anymore? Kyle hears it so much at work, that he says he doesn't hear it anymore. But, truth is if you're hearing it, you're more susceptible to using it.
Our lives need to be centered around our Savior, Jesus Christ; not school, my marriage, sports etc...
I am going to a Charlotte Mason Seminar this Saturday and I'm really excited about learning more!
Email me with your thoughts and concerns! trishagriffin@gmail.com
you know what I think......great post! I'm super super super excited about Saturday....the books I'm reading are great so I hope you love it as much as I have so far.
Trisha You never cease to amaze me...You are such a wonderful mom and truly a woman after god own heart. I have always thought that about you. I am proud of your growth not only as a mom but mostly as a christian. You raise the bar for me and challenge me. My the Lord continue to bless you and yours.
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