Sunday, February 13, 2011

Remember the Sabbath?

To my mom and dad- No, not our old cat! Haha.

I've had this book and been reading it on and off for a while now. Yesterday I picked it up and started over, determined to finish this time. It's about finding rest, renewal, and delight in our busy lives; it's titled "Sabbath by Wayne Muller".

One thing that really jumped out at me is when he talked about our modern life, and how it's designed to seduce us; every where you go, look, on tv., it's always: Buy me. Do me. Watch me. Try me. Drink me.

Then, this morning in Sunday School we talked about Loyal Love. What a God of perfect timing we have! It really made me think about the things in my daily life that distract me from God. I am reminded of Jesus waking up early to go out by himself and pray. What makes me think I can be any different..? Muller talked about the Muslims and how they're called to prayer five times a day- all work ceases... No wonder they are so loyal.

I am in constant 'prayer' every day, but I don't always stop to meditate (a formulaic prayer) and give Him my undivided attention. Jesus was sinless, and still He prayed! If he had to pray- how much more should I pray?

Lots to be in prayer about this week. Besides the little souls I'm trying nurture- so they'll have a love and passion for God, there's this FPU Class, and a Mothers Conference I'm going to Friday and Saturday. I'm asking for prayers (especially from you grandparents), for God to show me what my/family's life should look like. I know He has mighty plans for us- I'm excited to he what they are!

I challenge you, my sweet family and friends, to invoke the sabbath in your life daily. Let God seep in to every aspect of your life! Watch the blessings and wisdom that come from being still and listening to that small voice!

Blessings on your week..!


Jennifer Kindle said...

amen and amen...praying for FPU and MomHeart and The Griffins!

Katie said...

I was so excited to spend some time with you this weekend at MomHeart! You bless me with your smile and love for your family!

Unknown said...

Thank you Katie! I enjoyed talking with you, too!
I love your name, by the way. If we ever had a girl we were going to name her Katy. :)