Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thriving on parched land

Those that live in Texas know, but we have been months with no rain...day after day with over 100 degree temperatures. A few days ago this very tolerant moss rose plant was wilted and dying; It thrives in sunny hot locations where the soil is poor. Even though mine was wilting, it was still green but no flowers. Then, finally Saturday night, it poured down on this thirsty land! The next morning I could barely tell it had rained. Here it is a few days later and it's producing lots of bold color!

I wonder, how many of us are parched and drying up? Or growing, but not producing anything beautiful.  It's only when you're reading and studying God's word daily that you are going to flourish! Over the last couple of years, I've learned that it all begins with prayer.  If I'm studying and not praying it doesn't quite work out for me.  I still end up feeling lost and confused-- very much like this moss grass before the rain.  I would catch myself wondering why my life wasn't going according to plan.  HA! Who's plan?? Well, mine of course. 

One thing that I've come to realize (I've heard all my life, but it's finally it home) is God has a kingdom agenda!  And I'm usually way off the path He has planned out for me. When I'm doing both is when He grants me wisdom and understanding;  That's when I'm able to have boldness and color!

We live in a broken world-- our lands are parched. Satan wants to hold us in captivity-- often times you don't even know it's Satan.  Our culture tells us "Yes, Yes, Yes! Because you deserve it! Use credit and pay it back later!" If you're not building up your faith by praying and studying, you will stay in bondage. Don't become brainwashed by the world and culture!  But, be intentional and very deliberate!!  Practice a little restraint with me this week. I'm not drinking Dr. Pepper, or over eating, or buying unnecessary things. I'm going to watch less TV.  I AM going to show restraint and focus more on God because of it! And let me tell ya, not having Dr. Pepper (just because I can) has been the biggest challenge for me!

As I close out this blog, I'm going to pray for you! That (for even just one of my readers) these words written will spark a flame in your soul. That you'll be intentional in spending one-on-one time with the Lord. That as you learn, God will reveal his plan for your life! That he will put a blaze of passion on your heart and you'll know exactly what to do!!


Jennifer Kindle said...

I've learned to pull away and spend time with him all day in some way...practicing finding him with all my sense...giving thanks rejoicing and praying...it is the only way to hear from him fully

Katie said...

Great post! Living life status quo is not the same as Being INTENTIONAL for Christ...His ways, His plans, His passion...

Thanks for the reminder