I'm only 120 pounds and "the best mom of my life," according to Johnny! Justin says, I'm 31 years old (shhhh, he doesn't have to know any different!), I'm prettiest when I wear dresses, and I'm funny when I'm in my funny suit. That's Justin for ya! As for Joel, there is no one greater on this earth than "My Momma!"
I LOVE it!! To this here brood I am "SuperMom!" Lucky me!!! They love unconditionally and I hate that I take it for granted at times.
Today was a nice reminder of just what my job here on earth is; The Spiritual Growth of my Children! As the preacher talked this morning I embraced every word-- soaking up as much as I could to be a better mother. I learned that my prayers have to change a little...or maybe a lot.
I've always prayed for my boys and their salvation-- knowing I can't do this without His help. I'll teach them to love the Lord and the only way to eternal life is through Jesus. I want them to lean on God for strength in good times and not only in difficult times. They are unique and He has a plan for their lives.... What if his plan isn't the same as my plan? Am I praying for his will or mine...? I've always had the thought they would grow up and stay close to where ever I'm at. Johnny's talk about being in the Army will fade, right? I mean, God wouldn't put that in the heart of an eight year old, would he? Probably not, but it's possible. God knows them better than I do, he does have a plan for them. I need to be praying that he guides my thoughts, words, and actions to line up with his will. He can take better care of them than I can!
Happy Mother's Day!
I love this post. Happy late mothers day :)
Out of the mouth of Babes!
God does have a plan for each of us. As a mom, it is our job to nurture out kids. We do the best we know how. Your boys are wonderful children. I think they said what they did out of love and out of the direction God has been giving them. Yours and as well my plan for our girl's is probably more OUR plan than His. It always is.
Your are doing a wonderful job by loving them unconditional, taking them to church and just being there for them...always.
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