Saturday, September 8, 2012

I still do!

Eleven years ago today, I said "I do" to my best friend.

Out of all the fish in the sea, I caught the best one!! What an adventure it's been! I couldn't imagine life without you. I have never known anyone who loves as deeply and passionately as you do. I'm a lucky girl!

You lead this family with love, grace, and patience. You point us toward God and his design for our family. I pray for Him to continue giving you wisdom-- as I willingly and gretefuly submit to your lead.


Paul and Marsha Weaver OCT. 17, 2009 said...

Happy Anniversary. We wish you many more years together!

Unknown said...

Trisha the memory of that day is soo happy!
Especially how soo GOOD you sang "You Say It Best " You two are a great example of making a fine choice in a mate. And upholding Godly principals in your Sweet family as well.
Proud aunt Jerri (**)

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary. Cant believe its been 11 yrs. time flies.