Thursday, April 24, 2014

Declaring it a Miracle

On the radio this morning I hear, "We are supposed to declare miracles! And then we are supposed to share them. No matter what you think people will think of you."

I have to share what happened yesterday. I was going to keep it to myself, because who believes "stuff" like this anymore. I did share it with Kyle when he got home from work, but even there, I almost didn't tell him. In fear he would be skeptical or think it was coincidental. But he says, "Why didn't you tell me this earlier today? I would have liked to have known that." So let me share now with you.

The boys have all been sick with strep over the past couple of weeks. So I took them to the doctor right away to get them all on meds. All seemed to be on the uphill. That is until this nasty stomach virus starts to hit one by one. Johnny first, he wakes up at 5 a.m. throwing up and with the worst belly pain. We knew what it was because his cousin was here over the weekend and had it, and lasted several days, throwing up several times a day.

The next morning (yesterday) Justin woke up crying, writhing in pain. He couldn't sit, he couldn't lay, he couldn't stand. Nothing he did gave any kind of relief. He would scream and try to lay in my lap, then jump up. Completely useless, I felt! What do you do for your baby when nothing helps. You pray! Pray hard! And rub on him when he gets close enough.

An hour later and still nothing. I had been praying, and nothing was happening. Quickly I asked for wisdom. Thinking I'd get a brilliant idea: give him a warm bath, give him Tylenol, rub his feet. All these things flooded my mind but didn't seem right, and then...

The verse (and I'm paraphrasing), "where two or more are gathered I am there also" entered my mind. I knew God wanted me to pray aloud for him, with him. He wanted me to use this as a teachable moment!!

I grabbed Justin up, put my hand on his tummy and prayed: I pray in Jesus name that you will take this pain from Justin and heal his little body.

That's it. Quick and simple, right to the point. Even now, my eyes fill with tears at his greatness, his faithfulness. Within minutes, Justin started to settle. He laid his head in my lap and took a deep breath!! Within 30 minutes he was able to relax and drift off to sleep again! When he awoke at 9 a.m. he was completely healed. Not only him, but all three of them!

As I shared that with them last night, I love how their eyes lit up and I could see their childlike faith!!

Our God is a miracle working God! Not only in the Old Testament. Not only while Jesus was on earth. But now, through your prayers! Believe it! Declare it! And go tell it!!!

1 comment:

LauraHix said...

Trisha, I am so glad you shared this. This is just what I needed right now. To hear of beautiful miracles like this, then you can have faith t know that miracles can still be seen, right when you believe they can't. Thank you so much.
Will be praying that all stay well and healed!