I woke up this morning dreaming and want to share how completely AWESOME God is; A faithful, grace giving, loving, patient, and [the one] TRUE God!!
First, I'm starting with my dream: I was asked to speak at a church- the one where I grew up to be more specific. In a Church of Christ, women aren't invited to speak, so it was weird. I was already nervous, and as I started to walk on stage, I realized I'd left all of my notes and my bible at home. I quickly prayed, "Lord take control!" As I looked upon several familiar faces, I realized this was going to be even harder than I realized. I started off with how'd I'd forgotten my things at home, and I hoped they'd bear with me through this. Immediately, sooner than I thought, people started to stand and head for the exits.
Nevertheless, I began speaking: "I was never good a writer or debater or one to give speeches." As more people got up, this time almost half of the congregation was gone. I felt ashamed, who was I to think I could hold their attention, especially after leaving my bible and notes at home. So I told the remaining people I was sorry for wasting their time and bid them a good evening. As I started to take that first step off the stage, the Holy Spirit yelled, "STOP! Go back. 'The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.' (John10:10)"
So I walked back to the mic and started to speak again: I never felt like I had much to say unless the topic was Jesus or softball. I can go on and on about all the many attributes of God- His goodness. My son is reading a book called "Do Hard Things." It's about getting out of your comfort zone. We become complacent people when we are not pushed, and start to lean on our own understanding. God wants to stretch us, use us for his kingdom. More often than not we are too scared to step out on faith- to step up to the mic, completely vulnerable without notes. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
It was at that moment my soul found rest. I wasn't scared or ashamed.
I went on: It shouldn't matter who gets up or who stays. God is a God of perfect timing. Even if it helps one person, it's a job well done. I have to set pride aside- this is not about me. And I'm honored to speak His truths to anyone who wants to listen. (Or read)
Dream over: I often have dreams like this, where I feel God is giving me tidbits of wisdom. But it's been a while, so before going to bed last night, I prayed for the Lord to show me...something. He, being a faithful God, did. I woke up and knew I was supposed to share this dream. Fear of "what will people think" started to creep in my mind. I was going to ignore sharing it. I went on about my morning- grabbed my phone and my bible. I have two bible apps on my phone, both of which give me a verse of the day. Well, today one app is was Matthew 11:28-30 and the other John 10:10. The same two verses I had just dreamed. I cannot express the joy that overtook my heart at that moment. He has a way of making me fall more in love everyday!! I had to call Kyle to share in my excitement!!
I still had no intention of writing about this. As my day has gone on, I know cannot keep it to my self. I'm going to "Do Hard Things" and allow his glory to shine. So I ask you: What are you not sharing? Don't let fear hold you back!
I love this! Sometime I get tired of doing what I know is what God has lead me to do, & being reminded to keep moving out of my comfort zone is exactly what I needed today! Thank you for sharing what God put on your heart because, maybe it was just for me, but maybe not. We hank you!
That was supposed to say "Thank you". Lol.
It brought tears to my eyes to see God move in such ways.. He truly is a great and marvelous God!! Thank you for sharing!!
Thank you for sharing. Very powerful reminder
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