Thursday, October 23, 2008


I was reading my bible tonight and came across forgiveness. We've actually been talking a lot about it in our Sunday school class, as well as ladies bible study.

It is VITAL that we forgive! I think in some way or another- we all have issues with this. But, if one can't forgive, he/she is worse than the one that needs to be forgiven. We always want people to forgive us but don't want to give it back. I'm sure it's just sin in our hearts that cloud our judgment. How can God forgive you of your sins if you can't forgive those who have sinned against you? It doesn't mean you have to let them keep doing it to you; keep them at a manageable distance if necessary. God won't even listen to your prayers; How scary to think that God won't even listen if you have this sin in your heart?!?!

God takes forgiveness very seriously, and it's expected. All he asks of us is to love and forgive. Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins. We sin against God everyday, and still he forgives us; if we ask him. Even if it's the same sin over and over. No that doesn't mean you can go do the same thing on purpose just because he's going to forgive you...for you smarties. Haha He will punish you ten fold if that's the case...God help you then.

I was reading Matthew 18: 21-35 Go get your bible lazy heads.. that's too much for me to type. It's a really good story.

I want to be one after Gods own heart!!