I have so many different thoughts running through my head I'm not sure where to begin; starting with the title for this blog: should it be Accountability?... A window to my soul?... Heart issues?... Anyhow- I was at lunch talking with a friend today about accountability, those that we love, God's law then laws of the land, so on and so forth... On my drive home I was reflecting on a few things and started praying and thought I should blog.
First off, I write blogs, not to cast stones at anyone! Let me assure you these words are not my own; God places things on my heart- and I write, not knowing what to write even. Sometimes I go back and reread it because I'm not sure what I've just spit out. And if He's talking to anyone, it's me!!
It has been said a time or two that I'm judgmental; and I know a few that would probably agree. As I was driving home this is one thing I was thinking about. The people I love and care about (especially my Christian family and friends...including myself), I hold to high standards, but never do I think less of them as a person. We are all sinners!! I have my own issues, and my own sin that I have to work on daily! This verse comes to mind, "
How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:4 We are, however, supposed to hold each other accountable; Love the sinner but hate the sin. I have things/sin in my life that I hate, but I still love myself. We are all this way!....don't lie, you know you do! I only write the things I write (or say something to you) because I truly care. If I didn't, I wouldn't bother saying anything at all. And- if you get mad and think I'm attacking you that's conviction...not me! I understand some people don't like being told they're doing something wrong and get really mad...and call me judgmental. Someone actually deleted Kyle from their facebook after he tried giving advice to help them. If I say something that you don't think is not in the scripture, then I want you to tell me. I want to be able to fix my thought process and apologize. I think about this all the time though. I try to be very careful in what I say and write, because I know people think this way about me. But, I walk the walk not just talk the talk! And- still fall short... Now look in the mirror when judging someone and you'll see two fingers pointing back at you. This is not meant for anyone person, if you're reading this, it's meant for you and I mean no disrespect to anyone!
God gives everyone a gift, whether you know what yours is or not, you have one....some people have several. I know one of mine is singing, but I also think God gave me common sense. Not everyone has it, although most would think they do. Maybe that's my case, I don't know. I feel that God uses me to show people things that they're not looking at. I try to step back out of the picture and look in on every situation...including my own! For a long time, I sat back and never spoke up...even when I knew I was supposed to. You ever get this burning desire deep in your soul and you know you're supposed to share it?.... I have always been so afraid to speak up in fear of sounding dumb, but that's exactly where Satan wanted me.
Often times I wonder, "Who really has my best interest at heart?" But, I know that's only Satan lying to me trying to get me to feel sorry for myself. Even if they don't, it really doesn't matter. I'm not living my life for them. I live my life for God, Kyle, and "My Three Sons"! I needed to stop and put things in perspective....as my momma used to tell me as I walked out the door to go ANYWHERE (so annoying, but it stuck!) 'Remember Who's You Are'.
Thanks for listening!