I've been studying Luke 9:57-62 for some time now. Pondering it, really. I wrote this to a cousin today, and wanted to share my thought and what I finally came to realize today with you guys, too.
To me this passage is talking about being a disciple- a good follower of Jesus. He came to earth and set the standard for us. We are to love people (no matter their sin) as he loved them. Jesus didn't condemn anyone; he certainly 'did not come to destroy lives, but to save them.' vs:56
People (me included) forget our roll as a disciple. Jesus only held those accountable that followed him- like His disciples. To everyone else, He taught them about the good news. I forget that not everyone is where I am, and sometimes I need to use things as teachable moments. I'm not supposed to hold someone accountable if they're not a believer already. I mean, why wouldn't they think I'm condemning them? Even if I have the best intentions, if I'm not teaching them, then more than likely I'm turning them off. And God will hold me accountable for that.
Verses 59-61 talks about these men, who want to follow Jesus. And Jesus said then, "Follow me." Then, they wanted to go do what they wanted, or things they thought they needed to do first. That's exactly what we do to Him everyday. We put God in this little box and pick and choose what we want to do. Not allowing and trusting Him wholeheartedly. I know I'm guilty of this.
Then Jesus came back in vs 62 and said, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Which to me says, "Stop putting me in this box and live for me. Don't just say you want to."
It never occurred to me until this moment, not quite like this, that I have always had God in a box. What if I let Him out, to really follow Him without turning back? What would my life look like then? I want to give God my whole heart life service, not just lip service!
It's amazing to me, that I'm still amazed by God's wonderful power and how he works. Both bible studies I'm in, Sunday School, the pastors sermons- even though none of them have talked about Luke 9:57-62 everything they've taught me keeps bringing me back here. I wish I could tell you exactly how the puzzle came together for this blog post, but I'm not even quite sure of it myself. It's been over the course of [probably] two or three months, but today it finally came together for me.
God is alive and well!! And I hope to feed your soul. Well, not me really, I'm just the messenger!
Just a warning: We are going camping tomorrow and your email boxes will probably be bombarded with pictures of my sweeties.... Have a great weekend! I know we will!!
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