Yes..! We really went to the store like this. I told them to get dressed and this is what they put on. At first I told them to go change and they had such good attitudes; they said yes ma'am and ran off to change. About a minute later they all three came walking back in my room. Johnny says, "Mom I'm not arguing, but why can't we wear our uniforms?" I thought about it for a second and decided I didn't really have a reason other than I wondered what people would think. Then I thought, who cares! So here they are (with the coolest mom ever!) having a blast!
And all the people in at the store got a kick out of them! Joel stole the show...he was flexing for everyone who told him how cute he was. You can imagine how long it took us to get out of the store. But what a way to meet people! Johnny even told a couple of ladies about Jesus and how Christmas wasn't about him and toys!
Merry Christmas from Power Ranger Justin, Wolverine Joel, and Pro Baseball player Johnny...
That's my boys! (And they do have a really cool mom!) Isn't it funny how we just say "NO" without thinking? Way to go Mom!
love it :)
This is great! Yeah it would just be easier if we would pick our battles that are worth picking and this one...well it's a kodak moment for sure...good job super cool mom!
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