I am forever changed. Isn't it great that we have a merciful, grace giving, loving, Heavenly Father?
This weekend I attended a MomHeat conference with a group of ladies from church. Sally Clarkson, author of several books (Mission Of Motherhood is a must), came to teach us, encourage us, and share in our passion on biblical motherhood. Oh my, what a treat she was! I loved the book and had no idea how much more this conference would bring. I had no expectations other than leaving feeling refreshed--I was after all kidless... No spills to clean up, toys to put away, breakfast lunch or dinners to cook, beds and laundry to be done, no puppy pee to be wiped, you get my drift..?
Anyhow, from the early Friday morning tea when Sally first spoke to a very small group of us, I knew this was going to be different than ANYTHING I had ever experienced!! Boy was I right! You know that small voice, the one that talks to you when something is wrong, or when you're trying to make a decision- the one people call their conscious? Well I call it the Holy Spirit; guiding me down the right path. And this weekend He was right in my face talking so loud it almost hurt my "ears" and he was saying, "Trisha, wake up! You might be on the right path, but there's so much more! Trust in me, follow me, I AM here to guide you and provide for you!" I fell in love with my kids in a whole new way this weekend, and I can't really explain it any better than just that. I already love so deeply and didn't realize I could love them that much more. Wow! I can't imagine how much more the lord must love them! But, it does excite me!!
Trisha...hold fast to what the Lord has shone you this weekend! It was great getting to visit with you!
jennifer here on amber's computer....great to read! love ya
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