Monday, January 4, 2016

A New Year

Wow! It's 2016 already!

Have you already made your New Year's resolution?  Have you already broken it? Two words the Lord put on my heart for this year: Grace and Truth.  We are to give Grace, but stand on the Truth. (Lots more to be written on this this year!) If you haven't made a resolution, I encourage you to make one. Start small. Don't try to run a mile your first time on the track.  Give yourself grace. But, stay true to yourself and finish your goal.  Find an accountability partner!

2015 has been one of the best years of my entire life. I'm not even sure I blogged once last year.  But I put pen to paper, I journal-ed all year. I let God work in me and through me in ways I didn't even know were possible!! How you might ask? Well, by drowning out the ways of the world. Prayer (and lots of it)!! Reading God's word, and meditating on it all day. By being submissive and following my husbands lead.

I don't know how much I'll be on social media this year. Seems to be less and less each year. It can be such a distraction and time consumer in an already busy, hurried life. I want, no, need- to slow down! It is so sad to sit at a restaurant and watch an entire family on their phones.  Family communication has gone out the window. (Oh, if you could only here Joel's version of "out the window" from Dumb and Dumber going through my mind right now. It is SO funny!) I see people posting their "good works" or spew hate from their fingertips on Facebook and Twitter, it's enough to make me want to unplug. This year I want to get back to phone calls or face to face conversations.  I don't want to read posts that blind me from giving grace to someone who God thinks needs/deserves it. I want the Holy Spirit to work in me!

Guess I better get to bed. It's almost one o'clock in the morning and I have this sleepy critter on me.

 Before I go:
I'm excited to get back to blogging and share with you guys what God is doing.  I hope to encourage, to inspire, to give Hope "through him who gives me strength." I will also be writing every other month for a friend's blog; a Glimpse into Lifeschooling Series. I'm pretty stoked about what's going on on her blog! She has put together a team of writers for a number of series. Go join her mailing list here. Here are a few of the different series going on at Beyond the Nook: Motherhood Matters, Building Strong Families, and Lifeschooling.

Happy 2016, y'all!! Get excited, call and tell me about it! Or better yet, come and see me. :)


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your blogging again. Can't wait to read your posts again. :)

Jennifer Kindle said...

Love this and blessed to see you in my inbox once again!!! Thanks for the shout out, it's going to be grand...unplugged but plugged into him!! We need a face to face!