Friday, February 19, 2010

Obedient to God and submissive to your husband...

My Aunt Linda and I talked about this at my cousin Danny's wedding. I've really thought a lot about it ever since. After reading my book "Lies Women Believe And The Truth That Sets Them Free" and studying it I've learned a lot about it.

Satan convinced Eve that if she submitted to God's direction, she would be miserable and would miss out on something in life. Since then he has done a good job at making the world believe the word submissive is narrow and negative. But, by golly, our kids better submit to us or else!

"Wives, submit to your husbands as the Lord." Ephesians 5:22

There you have it! God tells us to. We are taught at such a young age how to be submissive. And- when our kids listen, do everything we say, without back talking-- I know how proud it makes me feel with my little ones! This is how I want God to feel about me!!

Submissive- inclined or ready to submit; unresistingly or
humbly obedient: submissive servants.

It doesn't mean you're inferior to your husband and have to let him walk all over you, make all of your decisions for you, or give him your self worth. We as Christian wives are to submit as it states in Ephesians. As I've studied this week God has put on my heart how I can do this better. I'm not saying it's not difficult sometimes: it can be a thankless and lonely job. I'm going to share a few things God revealed to me and how I can do better. It is my job to clean the house, pick up after my husband and my kids and not nag about it. In this book she talked about how to serve your husband (and people) without feeling mad: I need to have a servants heart- like Jesus had. He came to earth to show us how to serve and love each other. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to show them His love and how to serve one another...for no other reason than because He loved.

OK, so I've learned that I need to have the house hold chores done when Kyle gets home to free up family time. That means taking the trash out, too. I know lots of women who get angry (me included) because their husbands don't take the trash out. Well, I can do it just as well as he can, probably easier because I'm home all day. One thing Kyle loves is family dinner time. That's the first thing he asks in the morning, "What's for dinner?" I know some women who get really angry when their husband asks that question. I know he looks forward to coming home and having dinner, so instead of biting his head off because I'm "too busy" to think about what I'm going to make that night, I try to have the menu planned out for the week. I try to make it extra special because I know it's something he looks forward to all day. Why would your man want to come home to a crabby wife? Are you making your home a relaxed welcoming environment for your husband to want to come home?
Satan wants us to keep believing this lie that submission is bad. He knows that if we give in and submit, he is stripped of that power he has over our lives. In God's eyes we are all equals. He just had different rolls and jobs for us. Eve was put on earth to help Adam; not to rule over him. God had a plan for her. It's our job to give our input and insight to different situations. If he doesn't take it it's not up to us to "fix" him. We need to pray and trust that God will take care of it. To obey God means you have to be submissive. I always thought I was until I studied this lesson this week. I've had a superficial submission though. I've always (at least try to) let Kyle lead our family, but I never understood why I "needed" to be submissive. We as women know how to manipulate our men. And, it's not up to us to take it into our own hands. Men don't always fight with their wife for their authority in fear of an argument. Then we get mad when our husbands don't lead our households. I've had to take a step back and look at my heart. It's not fair for me to allow him to take the reins when I want him to. It's my job to give my insight and pray for my husband to follow God's path. Like I said before, it's not always easy to let go and give God control.

"Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge" Psalm 62:8

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