Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Growing Griffin Boys...

It was sad the day we no longer needed diapers. As much as I couldn't wait to have everyone potty trained; I was ready to save all that money....where is it??

It's sad again today. I packed up all the sippy cups. I no longer have toddlers. They're all big boys, growing way too fast!

Any idea on how to make them stop??? Before they're teenagers, anyway! Ha ha.


Michelet said...
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Michelet said...

I suggested a LONG time ago you put them in boxes at night while they slept, so they wouldn't grow so fast... But did you listen to me?? Nooooo...and now look- diapers & sippy cups- GONE!! Whats next?? College dorm shopping & rehearsal dinner planning AHHHHHHH Sometimes my advice amazes even ME HAHAHA!

Unknown said...

Pshh...if it worked- believe me, I would have!
And- I guess booster seats would be the next thing. You hush your mouth about college and weddings! ;)