Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy helpers

The boys love to help cook. I try to give them things to do, because they love to help, but I'm usually in a hurry.. trying to get dinner ready for Kyle by the time he gets home. So here they are helping.. or they thought so anyway. I gave them each a potato and told them to peal away. They had so much fun, and stayed out of my way. It was a win win for us all. Why did it take so long to think of it?!?!

Here is Mr. Joel helping his Papa lay our new floors. He thought he was a big helper. It was too cute. You needed all that help, right dad?

We celebrated Kyle's birthday last Friday. I guess you can see here he got Muppets for his birthday. We're kinda' fans of the Muppets around here!

Here is THE collection!


Anonymous said...

Wow what a muppet collection. Well Kyle is about like My uncle Adam with star wars. wants anything he can find to go with the collection. lol

Jennifer Kindle said...

hey...hope Kyle had a fun b-day and good job giving those boys somer "taters" to keep them busy!!!