We were outside after school playing. Johnny was trying to open a bag of water balloons and I heard him crying. I looked up at him and he seemed fine, so I went back to pulling weeds. In a seconds he came running off of the porch asking if there was a hole. I knew exactly what he meant and I jumped up to look. Sure enough! It was gone. When I asked where it was his little face went blank. We ran to the porch to look for it. I knew for sure it had fallen through the cracks. Justin came to help look and immediately saw it!! As I screamed, "OH YAY!" I scared poor Justin half to death and he started to drop it. I caught it just in time though!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Johnny lost his first tooth!
This is one happy little boy! Today, on his cousin Griffin's birthday, he lost his first tooth! I have to say, I think I was more excited than Johnny. I was wondering if he was ever going to lose one. I checked a few days ago it was barely moving. Every time someone at school or church would lose one he would be so sad! Today as soon as Johnny lost his he said, "Woo hoo! I finally had my special day!"
We were outside after school playing. Johnny was trying to open a bag of water balloons and I heard him crying. I looked up at him and he seemed fine, so I went back to pulling weeds. In a seconds he came running off of the porch asking if there was a hole. I knew exactly what he meant and I jumped up to look. Sure enough! It was gone. When I asked where it was his little face went blank. We ran to the porch to look for it. I knew for sure it had fallen through the cracks. Justin came to help look and immediately saw it!! As I screamed, "OH YAY!" I scared poor Justin half to death and he started to drop it. I caught it just in time though!
Friday, April 23, 2010
To love like Christ loves
We all need Jesus. It's automatic to look at people and judge their character based on their appearance. We are called to be like Jesus, and He is tugging at my heart to put on a new self image; as we are called to in Colossians 3:10
Jesus helped and served people because He loved them. And He expects no less from us. We are so caught up in our own lives we feel burdened if we are called upon by someone (for our God given talent, no-less.) Who are we to complain?!? I didn't have to die on the cross for the sin of the world- or give my son to die on the cross. We need to thank God for all He has done for us, stop our crying about what's not going our way, and serve each other! Then there is that voice- you know the one.... The one that says not to help this person or that person because they don't deserve it. Well, we don't deserve it either. But thank you God for giving Your son to die for my sins and giving me Grace! I doubt every person changed when Jesus helped them. I'm sure they still sinned. We are natural born sinners. But He still helped them and died for them. The least I can do is show the people He puts in my life that Grace and Hope He has given me. Everyone needs Jesus and you never know when you're going to plant a seed or grow someones seed.My challenge today [this week] is to find Jesus, not only in my quiet time, but in God's people. ALL of His people; young, old, good, and bad...
I want to run head-on into what or who God has planned for me. I want to be that vessel of love and I pray I will be ready when He calls my name!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Gotta be ready when He calls my name!
The bible conference this weekend has been a true blessing to my soul! The more I read and study God's word, the more I thirst for Him. I want to share a few things that God has put on my heart and I hope to make you have an appetite for God, too!! I know this post is a little long, but keep reading!!
First of all, we should be living for the world to come! Not this one or the "things" or people in it. Enjoying things in the world is not bad, but use the world for God's goodness. In James 2:24 it says, "You see that a person is justified by what he does and not be faith alone." We won't get to Heaven on faith alone; You must have works, too.
How often are you exposed to the Word of God?
The preacher this weekend said that if you go to church every Sunday morning and night and on Wednesday nights (and that's it), you will only have been exposed to God's Word 5% of your life.
Three key questions really stuck with me.
First of all, we should be living for the world to come! Not this one or the "things" or people in it. Enjoying things in the world is not bad, but use the world for God's goodness. In James 2:24 it says, "You see that a person is justified by what he does and not be faith alone." We won't get to Heaven on faith alone; You must have works, too.
How often are you exposed to the Word of God?
The preacher this weekend said that if you go to church every Sunday morning and night and on Wednesday nights (and that's it), you will only have been exposed to God's Word 5% of your life.
Three key questions really stuck with me.
- Am I listening?
- Am I receiving The Word of God?
James 15: 1"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
Don't miss out on the blessings He has for you by not spending alone time with him or not baring fruit! This should be an [all] day every day walk with your Creator. Not just on Sunday mornings! "Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you." James 1:21
Am I obedient to His word? Don't let your seed be thrown on the pavement for Satan to come snatch it up! God says He will bless you if you're obedient. Don't be a stagnant Christian and miss out on what God has in store for you- your life! God doesn't want just enough to get you by. I'm going to challenge myself this week to go above and beyond for Him. I challenge you to do the same. If you're not a social butterfly, maybe He has something special for you.
Be praying for Him to reveal His plan for your life. What is it, how and where are you going to produce fruit? I'll be praying over all of my readers, too, but if you would like me to pray for you individually you can email me! trishagriffin@gmail.com
Lets go out and further His Kingdom! Will you help me?
5"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
Don't miss out on the blessings He has for you by not spending alone time with him or not baring fruit! This should be an [all] day every day walk with your Creator. Not just on Sunday mornings! "Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you." James 1:21
- Do you have a hunger to know God better?
"The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. 23But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
Matthew 13: 22-23
Matthew 13: 22-23
Am I obedient to His word? Don't let your seed be thrown on the pavement for Satan to come snatch it up! God says He will bless you if you're obedient. Don't be a stagnant Christian and miss out on what God has in store for you- your life! God doesn't want just enough to get you by. I'm going to challenge myself this week to go above and beyond for Him. I challenge you to do the same. If you're not a social butterfly, maybe He has something special for you.
Be praying for Him to reveal His plan for your life. What is it, how and where are you going to produce fruit? I'll be praying over all of my readers, too, but if you would like me to pray for you individually you can email me! trishagriffin@gmail.com
Lets go out and further His Kingdom! Will you help me?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I'm so jazzed and can't sleep! After a few hours of bible study with God ordained friends, or maybe it's the three cups of coffee......hmmmm
Anyway, I wrote a few things down yesterday and it all sounded a little preachy so I didn't blog about it. After tonight, I know I'm supposed to. It's funny how our Lord works. He was preparing my heart for tonight and I didn't even know it.
For a while now, God has put on my heart to watched less TV and cut out Grey's Anatomy completely! There is so much filth on- even the commercials! It's hard to focus on God when there is a nude scene or a steamy sex scene, and lets not forget the bad language that's so socially acceptable now days. So, why did I keep filling my brain full of this junk?!?
I can't help but think about this song we sing to our 3 and 4 year old's.
Anyway, I wrote a few things down yesterday and it all sounded a little preachy so I didn't blog about it. After tonight, I know I'm supposed to. It's funny how our Lord works. He was preparing my heart for tonight and I didn't even know it.
For a while now, God has put on my heart to watched less TV and cut out Grey's Anatomy completely! There is so much filth on- even the commercials! It's hard to focus on God when there is a nude scene or a steamy sex scene, and lets not forget the bad language that's so socially acceptable now days. So, why did I keep filling my brain full of this junk?!?
I can't help but think about this song we sing to our 3 and 4 year old's.
(VS 1) Oh, be careful little ears, what you hear (repeat)
For the Father Up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little ears
what you hear.
(VS 2) Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see, (repeat)
For the Father up above,
is looking down in love,
So be careful little eyes
What you hear.
(VS 3) Oh, be careful little mouth, what you say, (repeat),
For the Father up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little
mouth what you say.
(VS 4) Oh, be careful little hands, what you do (repeat),
For the Father up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little hands
What you do
(VS 5) Oh, be careful little feet where you go (repeat)
For the Father up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little feet,
Where you go.
(VS 6) Oh, be careful little mind what you think (repeat)
For the Father up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little mind,
What you think.
(VS 7) Oh, be careful little heart what you love (repeat)
For the Father up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little heart,
What you love.
For the Father up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little mind,
What you think.
(VS 7) Oh, be careful little heart what you love (repeat)
For the Father up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little heart,
What you love.
Even though it's a kids song, we as adults need to apply it to our lives more than our kiddos. After all, they are learning what we teach them. If you boast that you're a Christian you must walk on the path of Christ!! Lead by example. If Christs' love doesn't shine through me, how am I ever going to teach my boys? Or, how am I going to lead others to Him?
How do I keep my mind on God if I'm distracted by worldly "things"? Like the TV (don't get me wrong, I don't think you're bad if you watch TV), be careful what you put in your head though! You become what you hear, see, eat, or who you hang out with! I thank God for God ordained friends! To answer my own question- You can't keep your mind on God. He says not to worship the ways of the world. Keep life simple! As I always say, I know I fall short of God's glory!...but, I strive to be better. My goal this week, or today (since it's now midnight) is to clean the house less, watch less TV, stay off of the computer, and spend quality time with my husband and boys!
And hold my friends accountable! ;) So, watch out friends!
How do I keep my mind on God if I'm distracted by worldly "things"? Like the TV (don't get me wrong, I don't think you're bad if you watch TV), be careful what you put in your head though! You become what you hear, see, eat, or who you hang out with! I thank God for God ordained friends! To answer my own question- You can't keep your mind on God. He says not to worship the ways of the world. Keep life simple! As I always say, I know I fall short of God's glory!...but, I strive to be better. My goal this week, or today (since it's now midnight) is to clean the house less, watch less TV, stay off of the computer, and spend quality time with my husband and boys!
And hold my friends accountable! ;) So, watch out friends!
Last night as the boys were getting ready for bed Justin asked if they could watch 30 minutes of TV. I told him no and he looked at me with big sad puppy dog eyes and said, "But Jesus likes for your boys to have TV!"
Just a few minutes ago I told Joel and Justin to get ready for their nap. I told Joel to grab his blanky and head for the bedroom. He's riding a tricycle and didn't want to get off, so he looks at me and says, "But mom, Jesus likes sharing!"
Man on man, do these boys have me pegged or what?!?
Justin and I had a fun day together. His PDO class went on a field trip the the Gator Farm!! Justin got to feed a baby pig, geese, a donkey, a lama, and we watched the alligators being feed. He also got to pet the donkey, baby pig and lama, along with deer, a calf, baby alligator, a snake, and a turtle. Every little boy's dream! All I can say is yuck-o to most of it. He jumped in the bounce house for a long time (til sweat was dripping off of his head) and played on the playground with his friends. We had a picnic lunch sitting right next to the gators! Mrs. Deanne got the the kids their very own gator.....a toy of course! Before we left, Justin made sure we got gators for his brothers.
More to blog about later. I'm off to pick Johnny Griff up from school now though! Have a good one... til next time!
Just a few minutes ago I told Joel and Justin to get ready for their nap. I told Joel to grab his blanky and head for the bedroom. He's riding a tricycle and didn't want to get off, so he looks at me and says, "But mom, Jesus likes sharing!"
Man on man, do these boys have me pegged or what?!?
Justin and I had a fun day together. His PDO class went on a field trip the the Gator Farm!! Justin got to feed a baby pig, geese, a donkey, a lama, and we watched the alligators being feed. He also got to pet the donkey, baby pig and lama, along with deer, a calf, baby alligator, a snake, and a turtle. Every little boy's dream! All I can say is yuck-o to most of it. He jumped in the bounce house for a long time (til sweat was dripping off of his head) and played on the playground with his friends. We had a picnic lunch sitting right next to the gators! Mrs. Deanne got the the kids their very own gator.....a toy of course! Before we left, Justin made sure we got gators for his brothers.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Joel's THREE!
Yesterday was three years since Joel Ryan blessed us with his presence! He entered this world and changed us forever... with his ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes!

Big brothers couldn't get enough of him. When Joel would cry Johnny would stick his thumb in Joel's mouth instead of a binky. He thought he was such a big helper!

Here is my beauty three years ago!

On his 1st birthday. He liked his cake so much he thought he'd just suck it down. It was too funny!

Second birthday....fitting shirt, I might say!!

And here he is today. Three years later! What a Superhero this kid is. :) He loves Super Hero Squad so that was the theme of his party.

All of his Super friends!! Thank you so much to everyone for coming and making his 3rd birthday so special.

Even though I stink and didn't get his invitations out, we still had a great turnout! Yes, sad to say- I meant to pass them out to the PDO kids, and forgot. Then Johnny got sick and we didn't go Wednesday to church. Thursday I didn't want to chance Joel getting sick, so I kept him and Justin home, and the invitations didn't get passed out again. So, thanks again for making it!
Big brothers couldn't get enough of him. When Joel would cry Johnny would stick his thumb in Joel's mouth instead of a binky. He thought he was such a big helper!
Here is my beauty three years ago!
On his 1st birthday. He liked his cake so much he thought he'd just suck it down. It was too funny!
Second birthday....fitting shirt, I might say!!
And here he is today. Three years later! What a Superhero this kid is. :) He loves Super Hero Squad so that was the theme of his party.
All of his Super friends!! Thank you so much to everyone for coming and making his 3rd birthday so special.
Even though I stink and didn't get his invitations out, we still had a great turnout! Yes, sad to say- I meant to pass them out to the PDO kids, and forgot. Then Johnny got sick and we didn't go Wednesday to church. Thursday I didn't want to chance Joel getting sick, so I kept him and Justin home, and the invitations didn't get passed out again. So, thanks again for making it!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tell about Jesus
I've been very blessed to have a friend that encourages me to know Jesus better. In her blog she has challenged me to realize what the Lord is showing me this week, or better yet in my daily life. Thank you Jennifer for this challenge. Click on her name and be blessed yourself!
God is everywhere...all around me all day long. It's up to me to stop and listen! I try to keep God center of all of my thoughts and in everything I do. Obviously, I fall short, but thank God for His Grace!!
I was thinking about the things God has done for me today, and it got me to thinking; It's always a blessing to hear about God working in peoples lives. So, this is my challenge to you!....at the bottom of this blog, click on comments and tell me what God is doing for you. It's always encouraging to hear and share His good will! If you don't feel comfortable leaving a comment you can email it to me! click here! to email!
I do have a story to share. I started it and it got to be longer than I thought and I haven't quiet finished it yet....but it's coming (maybe tomorrow) in my next post. I have lots to get done before that handsome hubby of mine gets home from the hockey game.
We have Joel's 3 birthday party this weekend! More on that to come, too!
God is everywhere...all around me all day long. It's up to me to stop and listen! I try to keep God center of all of my thoughts and in everything I do. Obviously, I fall short, but thank God for His Grace!!
I was thinking about the things God has done for me today, and it got me to thinking; It's always a blessing to hear about God working in peoples lives. So, this is my challenge to you!....at the bottom of this blog, click on comments and tell me what God is doing for you. It's always encouraging to hear and share His good will! If you don't feel comfortable leaving a comment you can email it to me! click here! to email!
I do have a story to share. I started it and it got to be longer than I thought and I haven't quiet finished it yet....but it's coming (maybe tomorrow) in my next post. I have lots to get done before that handsome hubby of mine gets home from the hockey game.
We have Joel's 3 birthday party this weekend! More on that to come, too!
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