I wonder what else in my life I'm letting fear hold me back from. I "opened the window" a couple of weeks ago and signed up for the prison ministry and I go next week. Scared but looking forward to the "smiles"!!
What is fear holding you back from??
I wonder what else in my life I'm letting fear hold me back from. I "opened the window" a couple of weeks ago and signed up for the prison ministry and I go next week. Scared but looking forward to the "smiles"!!
What is fear holding you back from??
I wonder what God has in store for those three little monkeys on top?
First, let me set the scene for you. This morning the boys and I went to Target for two wedding gifts, a birthday, and a baby gift. As we were walking through the parking lot, as always, we link hands to make a train. Justin wanted to be the engine, so he's up front. As we approach to cross the road right in front of the store, here comes a black SUV; Justin starts to dash out in front of them. I of course immediately yell at him to FREEZE! As soon as we were safely across the road I ask, "Justin, what on earth were you thinking-- running out like that in front of a car?" He sweetly replies, "I was going to stop them with my blue eyes and my freckles." I had to laugh and kiss this sweet little face. Then, scold him to never ever try that again!
Let's see, does he stop you in your tracks?!?
One good thing about the heat (if you're looking for a positive) is that I've had lots of time to invest in them-- speaking truth into their little hearts. It's been a time of teaching them brotherly love. And! to turn off lights behind them! ;)
Stay cool people!
A friend from church died (leaving behind a husband of 20 years and three teenagers) and I will attend her funeral here in a few short hours. Reading her last posts on facebook she gave God all the glory...right up until the very end; Praying for a miracle knowing that God could heal her, but also knew He could call her home at any time. The discernment and wisdom flowing from her mouth (that I didn't quite appreciate at the time) astounds me now looking back! I know she is at the right hand of our Heavenly Father, and has gained it all, but I am so sad for Brent, Jenna, Shawn, and Brennan. What a testimony of faith Jennifer was to so many!
Oh my- how we take life for granted. We don't give back to God what he deserves. We don't praise him like we should, or give him the credit owed. Instead we sit [complacent] in our homes...churches even. We perform our daily tasks of praying, serving in a ministry, tithing, even reading the bible; like it's a to-do list just to be checked off. Is that enough? I say not! He needs more from us than that--he wants us everyday! In Mark it says I can't receive Jesus unless I put others (even the least of the least) before me.
Lord, help me to die to myself so I can serve others as Jesus did! To be able to love/forgive those that have wronged me- as I am sure I need their forgiveness, too.
Matthew 6:19-21 says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, here moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Johnny has really taken to soldiers and learning about war ever since we went to honor the soldier that died a couple of weeks ago. Kyle has talked to him a lot about what it takes to be a soldier and what freedom is-- the cost that it means, but the glory it brings to God, self, family, our country, etc... We read and watch everything we can get our hands on. I pray that God will use this [now little] boy in a mighty way! That he will be a missionary starting now even at the young age of 8!
Joseph (the son of my childhood best friend, also my moms godson) has been with us all week- he has played war with my boys everyday, all day! We will be sad to see him go home!! He is such a joy!
I absolutely adore this boy!!
As you can see from the smiles on their faces- they had a blast.
Thank you Papa and Grammer, Mama Jean, Nana and Pop, Uncle Vernon, Papa and Pammy, and Aunt Kirsten and Kason for making Johnny's 8th birthday a memorable one!
He now knows there is no tooth fairy and he hugged me (with this big 'ol cute smile) and said, "Thank you!" When I asked him for what, he replied, "For my money in advance."
I've had this book and been reading it on and off for a while now. Yesterday I picked it up and started over, determined to finish this time. It's about finding rest, renewal, and delight in our busy lives; it's titled "Sabbath by Wayne Muller".
One thing that really jumped out at me is when he talked about our modern life, and how it's designed to seduce us; every where you go, look, on tv., it's always: Buy me. Do me. Watch me. Try me. Drink me.
Then, this morning in Sunday School we talked about Loyal Love. What a God of perfect timing we have! It really made me think about the things in my daily life that distract me from God. I am reminded of Jesus waking up early to go out by himself and pray. What makes me think I can be any different..? Muller talked about the Muslims and how they're called to prayer five times a day- all work ceases... No wonder they are so loyal.
I am in constant 'prayer' every day, but I don't always stop to meditate (a formulaic prayer) and give Him my undivided attention. Jesus was sinless, and still He prayed! If he had to pray- how much more should I pray?
Lots to be in prayer about this week. Besides the little souls I'm trying nurture- so they'll have a love and passion for God, there's this FPU Class, and a Mothers Conference I'm going to Friday and Saturday. I'm asking for prayers (especially from you grandparents), for God to show me what my/family's life should look like. I know He has mighty plans for us- I'm excited to he what they are!
I challenge you, my sweet family and friends, to invoke the sabbath in your life daily. Let God seep in to every aspect of your life! Watch the blessings and wisdom that come from being still and listening to that small voice!
Blessings on your week..!
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul,
When at the cross the Savior made me whole.
My sins were washed away,
And my night was turned to day.
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul.
Thank you God for saving a sinner like me! And- for the reminder...
We are so undeserving, but he loves us anyway. How lucky we are- and take it for granted.
Don't come near the Griffin household unless you don't mind going home with parvo; I guess it really won't matter if you don't have a puppy or don't plan on having one in the next six months.
If that wasn't enough- the little boys brought home lice...ugh! Yep, that's right, those nasty, annoying, yucky, disgusting, awful, obnoxious...does that about cover it?? (Lice that is, not my boys!) I won't go in to detail on how time consuming this little complication has been; Just LOTS and LOTS of washing.
Oh but wait, there's more...! Last but not least, you could possibly, probably go home with the Hershey squirts. The boys have been passing that [pleasant] little bug around. The two little one's seem to be over it, but Kyle was home sick today, along with Johnny.
There's probably more but my brain is too tired. It's probably some kind of brain bug. Ha ha ha....