Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Mother's Prayer

I love going through and reading Psalms. What a gift!! It's full of guidance, encouragement and strength for moms.

What comfort Psalm 3:4 gives as we walk through this Journey of motherhood.  We pray for our little ones and he's there; listening. It's crazy and hard to imagine that he loves them more than we do.

I cried unto the
Lord with my 
voice, and he
heard me out of 
his holy hill. 

As I petition for their safety as they go out to play, he is there; listening.
As I pray for myself to be a good mom, he is there; listening.
When I thank him for their joy, and beg him to help guide them; he's listening. 

So on days like today, when my boys won't sit still to work, I won't worry that it's a day waisted. After all, homeschooling was God's idea for our family, he doesn't make mistakes. I am going to have faith in his goodness! I am going to pray for a creative way to teach these here Griffin boys today. 

I'm going to be this mom:
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Psalm 1:2-3

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Joel's first baby tooth

Joel lost his first tooth! 

It's bed time so he came in our room to give hugs and kisses. Also to see if he could sleep with us. Because we have to get up early I told him not tonight. He came around to my side and I noticed how loose it was. I asked if I could feel it. Reluctantly, he allowed it. I was surprised, it was barely hanging on! When I asked if I could pull it, I got a firm, "No way!" That is until I told him he could sleep with us. He smiled as he was thinking it over. Then I got the okay. I knew that would do it. One tiny tug, huge tears, lots of blood, and I was holding my baby's tooth between my fingers. A bittersweet moment for me. He's growing up too fast!! 

As Joel bit down on a kleenex, Justin told him to take it out so he could taste the salty blood. Eek! I have boys! ;)

Johnny ran to the bathroom with little brothers in tow. Joel picked out the perfect tooth box to put under his pillow; in anticipation of the tooth fairy! 

Justin is one proud big brother! 

Now that everyone in the house is sleeping it's time for the tooth fairy to make her exchange. Good night all! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Self-centered or Christ-centered

This week the boys and I did a study of the parable "The Shepherd and The Lost Sheep".  I explained to them how God loves every last person on this earth, no matter their worldly crimes, or sins committed against him. God wants every last soul to know him.

After reading through my Sunday School lesson which talks about conflict and not thinking only of myself, it has me in deep thought. We all have people in our lives that it's hard for us to love or even like... Some days I have more trouble with this than others, and I have to rely on the Lord to take my thoughts captive. And pray that he can love them through me! God knows, I can't do it through my flesh..! After reading 1 Samuel 24:1-15 the Lord was shouting loud and clear!!

So get this...

If you don't know the story I'll give you the highlights. Saul is the King, and David was very loyal, maybe even a friend I guess you could say. He lead the army and fought for Saul's kingdom. Until Saul grew jealous of the attention David got form everyone. David was even anointed and would become king (and I don't think Saul knew this)...more on this in a second. Saul was so envious he wanted to kill David, so he had to flee the city. David was hiding in a cave, and Saul, who was out hunting David needed a place to relieve himself. He entered this cave and David could very easily have killed him. But he didn't!! Even though he would have been next king, and even though he probably had grounds to kill him because Saul was hunting him for no good reason other than jealousy. Instead, David felt led to apologize to Saul for usurping part of his power. Even though David wasn't wrong - never did he try to take fame or glory away from Saul, he was nothing but faithful - nonetheless, David apologizes! In hopes of softening Saul's heart.  

The shepherd that goes after that one lost sheep!!

When there is conflict it's easy to go with your own agenda. Even thinking it's from the Lord (he handed it to you on a silver platter, or in a cave in the case of David), but it's humbling to swallow pride and apologize for something you didn't do. 

David was "a man after God's own heart." I want to be the same...but woman of course. ;) 

His ways are always better than ours AND FREEING!! I will never look at conflict the same way again. It's more than just my agenda... I have to look at the bigger picture! It's not about me and my self-centered way of thinking. 

Thank you, Lord, for humbling me and softening my heart!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fun Filled Day

After lots of reading and a little math, we went on an adventure walk. We found huge (probably some of the biggest I've ever see) ant mounds. Took a stroll through the woods. We skipped rocks and watched our dog chase after them. Found these little frogs down by the lake that were so fast we couldn't catch one. We found walking sticks and carved them just how we want them. We talked about how the Lord uses us, and how he expects us to choose him.  Why it's important to be good, faithful servants. And how to seek the Lord with all your heart and all your soul.

In Sunday School we talked about how you can water and water your garden, and while that is good, it's nothing like a good rain. After rain the plants shoot up and produce better than just me watering everyday. It truly is amazing how God works. So today I told the boys this, and went on to tell them why it's important for them to read the bible and study on their own. Not to depend on church and what momma teaches them. There is something supernatural when you seek the Lord all on your own!

Winter Will Soon Be Upon Us

Most of you probably know how much I despise cold weather. I'm cold even when it's 90 degrees. But when I walk in a room and see my boys cuddled up, cold and reading to each other, I can't help but think about last year. Our winter days consisted of making a fire in the fire place, snuggling up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate in hand, and lots and lots of reading! Yeah, I'm ready for that again!

I love that we get to stay home and learn new things together!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

No Regrets

Too often we take our loved ones for granted. It's those we love that we tend to hurt the most. You never know when the last time you will see them will be. None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.

Imagine coming home and finding your loved one has been called to their eternal home.

Have no regrets! Love them fiercely while you can. Hug and kiss them, hold them tight, tell them you love them, day and night. Don't hurt them with you words and mean eyes! Whether it's a spouse, a child, a parent, a grandparent, and aunt or uncle. Love like there's no tomorrow!

I love that Jesus tells us not to be troubled. He knows our hearts and the grief we hold on to. He also tells us that he has gone before us and has prepared a place for us. Find comfort in Jesus, my sweet family.

No regrets!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


I've heard so many I love yous, thank yous, I had a good time with you today. I even got a "You're the best mom a boy could have." The hugs and kisses have been endless!!

This sweet boy and I went on a date this afternoon. He has worked really hard on his reading and got a bingo.

We have these bingo card and each square tells them when or where to read. Such as under a tree, on a beach towel, in the bathtub, before breakfast, on a Thursday, and so on. When they bingo they have coupons. So far they've gotten to do things like go to Sonic with Mama Jean, night fishing with Papa, ice cream with Grammer, and today Justin got a date with mom. (By the way Ma, Johnny got a bingo while you were in California and drew Day With Nana.)

We started off with a drink at McDonald's. On the way he didn't really talk much, and played with the toys he brought. That isn't too abnormal for Justin Robert, though. Once we got there I asked him to leave the toys behind in hopes that he would talk. That did it....his motor mouth started! We drank up and headed to Walmart. I had to get a few groceries and he wanted to look at toys. He has a birthday coming up and wanted to show me [again] what cool toys he wanted. :) Man I love this kid! He goes from isle to isle grabbing everything that caught his little eye. The mask you see me wearing below he wanted me to have. I don't know if you can tell, but I was not too fond of the idea of putting it on. Justin insisted and asked to take a picture. I'm glad I did because the smile on that cute face of his was priceless! After looking at EVERY toy Walmart had we got our groceries and headed for the car. Not once did he ask for a toy! He did, however, ask to get his brothers something. What a cool kid,  huh? Ok, so out the door we go... He helped load everything into the truck of the car, ran the basket and put it away, and ran back to the car to open my door. :)  Again, what a cool kid! Before starting home, we stopped to gas daddy's car up so he'd be ready for the week with a full tank. I asked Justin if he wanted to help; he hopped out and was eager to learn! I'm usually in a hurry and with all three boys. Whom of which would also want to get out, so it's never allowed. The smile on his face, again, was priceless!

All it takes is a little undivided attention! They are putty in your hands. No wonder they forget to listen to us. How often do we stop and listen to them?

Monday, August 19, 2013

One year down

I'll never forget our first year of homeschooling. I was overwhelmed with all the different curriculums and teaching styles. Oh my, what am I going to do to my kids? Am I crazy? Worry and panic started to flood my every thought. How was I going to get laundry done, cook dinner,  iron Kyle's shirts, AND teach math, reading, science, history, and spelling. Then, one night, God softly spoke to me as I was laying in bed praying my heart out. I knew He was with me; God has a way of working all things together for good as we trust him.

I went to a meeting to see what this whole "homeschool group" thing was about.  I just knew there I would get answers.  I did, but not the one's I was looking for. I had Katie, the leader of this homeschool group come over so I could pick her brain. Again, I just knew she would give me answers. She gave me peace...A LOT, but still not (what I thought) the answers I was desperately needing.  She told me to take the next week (as my family and I were traveling to Galveston) to pray for those answers.  I knew she was right, but still I just wanted someone to tell me, "This curriculum, use this!" That week in Galveston, with a different prayer on my lips, I began seeking answers.  

By the time I got home I had peace in my heart. But not because I had 'answeres' on which curriculum to use. It was again, I knew he was with me working out all the details.  So, a week later we began.  The first week was a breeze. They sat at the table and did what was asked of them.  I couldn't believe how easy this was! I wish I could stop there, but I'm not gonna lie.... that didn't last. I had to be a mother with purpose and a plan. I had no idea what that was, but I trusted in God to help us thrive! As the months went on some days were better than others. I noticed every day, though, that the boys may not remember what they learned but how they learned it. 

It wasn't until the end of our year that I realized the relationships I foster with my children were more important than the books we read.  I wished I could have a do over! 

OH, but I do. There is this year! With every year you get to reset. This year will be different!! This year our school will be more of a discipleship!! More to come on this later. For now I have to go feed all the animals...including the kids and husband! ;)

Until then....

Oh, and by the way, Kyle's shirts aren't getting ironed and we don't do near as much science as the boys would like, but it's working! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Be Intentional

After taking a few months off from my blog, I find it hard to come back and write.  With facebook, instagram, twitter, and all these other popular media sights, blogging seems like a dying form.  But if for no other reason, I want my boys to one day after I'm no longer in this world to be able to read my words and know my heart!  To know how much I love my creator, their daddy, and them!!

Since summer hit, we haven't done much school.  Reading now and then, but nothing like I had planned.  Johnny and I just got back from church camp; I was feeling refreshed and ready to hit it again.  Well...I've been sick and stuck in bed (for the most part) since Saturday afternoon.  I didn't do much of anything except watch movies, sleep, watch more movies, sleep and so on...

Tonight after reading in Deuteronomy 6, I had better get a little more intentional: if I'm not diligent in teaching them God's word, Hollywood, media and culture will.  Time to turn off the T.V. and video games, and all the things the world values and invest time in them.  If I want them to be disciples like Jesus had, I have to invest time in them like Jesus did!

So where do I fail?

*I teach and succeed in training them to believe the right doctrine, but fail in teaching them to pray everyday.
*I teach them to be faithful in going to church, but fail in teaching them to be soul winners.

So what much I teach them?

*To not only be saved, but also to be spiritual. They must know the bible, pray, and know that God will answer.
*Teach them to live holy lives or Hollywood will train them to be unholy.

Boy do I have my work cut out for me!! Haha.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A New Morning

How great is our God? His Mercies are new every morning!!

As I sat at the table tying to do my bible study this morning my mind kept drifting and my eyes wondered to the sky. As the sun started to rise and paint it red, I was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit.

Instead of bible study I felt the Lord calling me. So I opened my bible and asked the Lord to show me what he had for me today.  I have "go to" books I like to read, rarely is it in the old testament, but this morning I just opened and let it be. I hope to encourage you in what he shared with me this morning!

Lamentations 3:v22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  I love how our creator loves us, and yesterday doesn't matter! He is faithful and forgave me of my sins.  He gave us this new morning!

v.24 "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."  Do you wait for Him?  I know we are a people of "I want it right now."  We want our food to be quick. We drive fast, are rude and cut each other off. I know I want my desk to be done, like yesterday!! We are just not patient people. We pray and want it answered. Do you have something you've been asking God for and are still waiting on? Are you waiting on a child to find Jesus, or come back? We probably all have a loved ones who don't know and we are praying for. The thing I've learned is he did answer; sometimes it's a, "not right now." If the Lord is my portion, I will wait on him. I don't see the whole picture, I don't know what he is doing in the hearts of those around me. I put my hope and trust in him, because in vs.25-26 it says, "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

Salvation is His. It's about Him. If we consistently focus on the Lord and what we have been saved from, it's there you find your joy. We get so caught up in ourselves; what going on in our life, in today, what's on the calendar. Do you stop at some point in the day? go into a closet? wait for the Lord to speak to you? v.28 "Let him sit alone in silence, for the Lord had laid it on him." Turn off your radio while driving when you're alone, look at the clouds, the bird in the sky. There's beauty in the handiwork of God all around you. Especially as spring is in the air, green grass starts to spread through the fields and flowers start to pop up. It's there He will talk to your heart.

Be still, listen and be patient!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Life as a kindergartner

I love teaching these here Griffin boys and watching them light up when they finally get it!

I wish I could say that were the case for the big smile on Joel's face, but...  Here's the real story. All of Joel's fives looks like S's. So today I showed him- draw a short straight line down, half circle, then give it a hat. He was stuck on the hat! He would do the line, then jump up to the top to give it a hat. About the third time of "try it again" he was still jumping to the hat without a the half circle. So I said, "Joel, you forgot its butt!" He laughed so hard!! But he now knows how to write his 5's! Yay for my big kindergartner!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Alive in Christ

I have found a new life verse! I have read through Ephesians before, but this time there was a passage that really stuck out and made my soul jump for joy!! I encourage you to go read the whole passage later!

Ephesians 2:4-5 says, But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace you have been saved.

I just love, "HE IS RICH IN MERCY," all because he loves us! Can you believe God loves us more than we love our own children? He does.  I wish I could fully grasp that kind of love here on earth.  I love my husband and children more than anyone or anything in the world! I think of times, though, when they argue and backtalk-- I just want to leave them right where they stand, walk into another room, and forget about them for a few minutes.  Or say, "Go tell it to your dad!" God loves us so much that he won't ever turn his back on us or walk away! Aren't you so thankful for that? I am. I so wish I had THAT kind of love! Striving for holiness one day at a time.  Even though I will never get there in this earthly body, I am so thankful he is rich in mercy!!!

Happy Monday! Hope you have a great week!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Johnny's Epiphany

Did you know tomorrow we're going to have an excellent day? Because I already prayed for us and God told my heart He would help us.

This is what I heard come out of the mouth of my oldest tonight as I went in to give hugs, kisses, prayers, lullabies, and what ever else they think they can squeeze out of me. It makes my heart swell!! I have no doubts that we will probably have a great and blessed day, because my childlike faith son prayed it to be!

As I started to walk out of the room, Johnny started to describing how I looked like Two-Face on Batman. "Boys," I thought. He explained that one side of my face was dark, and the light from the hallway shone on the other side and made it light. He went on to explain how it made him think of good versus evil. "We have to choose the light because the dark is always there, too, waiting to block out the light." It seems simple, but it was an epiphany for my almost ten year old. Then, it started to go into Star Wars and the force of the dark side.  Too much to go into detail... Boys, though, right?!?

Before going  to bed I asked if he'd like me to pray with him, and of course- anything to keep me in there longer, he said sure.  I started to pray that the Lord would help Johnny put on the Full Armor of God. As I prayed over each part, I could see his interest starting to peak. Boy, was he full of questions after I said amen.  This week we are going to start a study of Ephesians 6. And for an entire week focus on one part of the armor- until we have done all six.

I urge you to start your day out praying for the Lord to help you put on the full armor of God.  We can't be like Christ if we don't start out our day with Christ.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First tooth

Justin, 7 years old, FINALLY lost his first tooth! After brushing tonight I was inspecting his job, and I noticed the adult tooth coming in under. He was not happy about momma touching his tooth, but I told him it had to come out to give the big tooth room to come in. He agreed to let me try. One pull, and walla! After a few tears, now he's one happy camper!

Mighty Warriors in the making...

Went on a walk today with all these boys! It's funny how a sticks transform into swords, guns, and knives.

I don't know how God could give his only Son for all the sinners of the world. I know I couldn't. What a blessing these boys are in our life!

Friday, February 15, 2013


I'm kind of a big deal... I'm Johnny, Justin, and Joel's mom. God chose me!! I'm not perfect and it doesn't matter- they love me anyway!

Grace, grace, God's grace... It's the only way.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Trying to post these pictures again...

The Elephant Seal

What an awesome experience...

We took a drive to San Simeon in hopes of seeing a few of these pups, the elephant seals. They get their name from the adult males (also called a bull) whose nose has the form of an elephant! Cool, huh? The bull will lift its head a make this funny noise; it sounds like he's burping over and over to me. A bull can weigh as much as 5,ooo pounds. Wow! That's a lot of blubber!!

I was shocked at the number of them lying on the beach- hundreds of them! There were few bulls and hundreds of adult females along with their pups. They are very territorial!! The bulls are especially mean to each other, due to this is their breeding grounds. And, although the moms  have just given birth, they will mate again right away. I read that the fertilized egg will swim around in the uterus for three or four months before attaching to the wall. This allows the nursing mom to not loose too much weight and become weak. It takes 11 months before the mom will birth her next pup.

The coolest thing happened while watching these magnificent animals our creator made- I actually witnessed the miracle of life. I was standing on the peer talking with my dad, just feet away, and we saw one give birth. It took only about two seconds. Right away the mom starts to teach its new born. At first I thought she was crying. But within minutes the baby was mimicking her sound, and it became clear they were communicating. Also, she kept flinging dirt up on her back. In about 20 minutes the pup was trying to do the same. Because elephant seals have so much blubber they fling the dirt to keep themselves cool and so the don't sunburn. I couldn't believe how fast this baby was learning!

An amazing experience.