The past few years, I've dreaded the whole Christmas season. All the lights, the music, the presents, the shopping, the commercials, how commercialized "Christmas" is. Although, I do enjoy going out and looking at the lights, I love Christmas music and listen to it all year long, shopping- well, lets just say I love to shop.. so, what's not to love about this time of year?? I have been asking myself this for the past few years.
This year, I'm looking at it differently. It's not about all those things I listed above. Christmas isn't about how much I buy for my kids or family. It's about JESUS! Who knew?! I've lost my focus on the reason for the season. I never forgot, I was just looking at it all wrong. We've been teaching the boys about Santa and they better be good boys or else... Hmmm, I guess I've failed on teaching them the true meaning of CHRISTmas. It's all because of the baby who was born to save us!
My friend posted the song "Mary did you Know" a few days ago, and Sunday at church it was sung by a lady during the offering. It really got me thinking about our savior and the true meaning- not just Christmas, but why I'm here.. my purpose in life (that's a whole other blog of it's own though, huh?) After all, HE is the reason I'm here.
Our pastor at church yesterday talked about Mary, and how she was merely a tool or vessel for God.. not to be glorified or praised. But, how awesome would that have been to be holding your baby and kissing the face of the Great I Am?! And- little did she know as she delivered Him, that HE would soon deliver her!!
Mary did you Know?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered
Will soon deliver you
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand?
Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby
You've kissed the face of God
Mary, did you know?
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of the Lamb
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding
Is the Great I Am
These words struck me this morning in my bible study and have been running through my head ever since, and now I leave you with you...
Philippians 3:10
I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
My boys were the Ghostbusters. They love watching the movies and cartoons.. even Joel, so we decided that's what they would be for Halloween. Cute, huh?! Well, we think they're adorable, anyhow! Kyle made the Proton Packs! It took him a couple of weeks, but they turned out great! The costumes came with plastic blow up ones, but they were way too big, and not near as cool. And truth be told, I think Kyle just wanted an excuse to make them. They probably weigh 10lbs and Kyle ended up carrying them before the night was over. Joel was a trooper though! He took a rest, but not for long. At the end of the night, he didn't want to give his pack up. They went around town making their own GB noises. It was really cute. Oh, and Joel kept saying, "I ain't afraid of no ghost!"
As you can see above, Griffin was Charlie Brown. And I think Lindsay probably made his costume. I meant to ask her and never go around to it. And the little cutie in the monkey suit is Lofton. I like his blond curls coming out of his hat. Thanks Matt and Lindsay for driving down to trick-or-treat with us!
If you're interested in seeing all of our pictures click here!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
We are faced with the decision of homeschooling or not?? I desperately want to home school, but want to make sure it's the right thing for our family. People keep asking me, "why?" Why do I want to??? I've been in prayer about it for quite some time, but it's really on my heart today. So, I ask my prayer warrior friends to be in prayer for us as we make our decision.
It's not that I think my kids aren't getting a good education in a public school. Or that the teacher Johnny has isn't doing a good job; because I like her a lot and think she's a great teacher!
Education is discipleship. And discipleship is what gets us ready for the world. I am their advocate.. Kyle and I, and the grandparents- It's our job to disciple them and teach them! Not the things of the world. I absolutely do not want the world to disciple my kids! Why do people think it's so important for my first grader to learn to live in this world? I don't want him to become numb to people who curse or flip the bird. I couldn't believe when Johnny came home from school and I asked him how his day was and what he had learned, and he tells me, "I learned how to flip a bird. See, look." Then, he teaches his two and three year old brothers. I DON'T THINK SO! He's not at the age of accountability. It's still my job to shelter him/them. I don't want them to be conditioned to worldly things. They are going to learn the 'things' of the world, but why not as a Christian adult? I want them as adults [age of accountability- which is different for each child] to be able to sift through it biblically and make decisions.
I wonder, how many of you reading this hear the cusing in a movie!? Have you become so numb to it that you don't hear it anymore? Kyle hears it so much at work, that he says he doesn't hear it anymore. But, truth is if you're hearing it, you're more susceptible to using it.
Our lives need to be centered around our Savior, Jesus Christ; not school, my marriage, sports etc...
I am going to a Charlotte Mason Seminar this Saturday and I'm really excited about learning more!
Email me with your thoughts and concerns!
It's not that I think my kids aren't getting a good education in a public school. Or that the teacher Johnny has isn't doing a good job; because I like her a lot and think she's a great teacher!
Education is discipleship. And discipleship is what gets us ready for the world. I am their advocate.. Kyle and I, and the grandparents- It's our job to disciple them and teach them! Not the things of the world. I absolutely do not want the world to disciple my kids! Why do people think it's so important for my first grader to learn to live in this world? I don't want him to become numb to people who curse or flip the bird. I couldn't believe when Johnny came home from school and I asked him how his day was and what he had learned, and he tells me, "I learned how to flip a bird. See, look." Then, he teaches his two and three year old brothers. I DON'T THINK SO! He's not at the age of accountability. It's still my job to shelter him/them. I don't want them to be conditioned to worldly things. They are going to learn the 'things' of the world, but why not as a Christian adult? I want them as adults [age of accountability- which is different for each child] to be able to sift through it biblically and make decisions.
I wonder, how many of you reading this hear the cusing in a movie!? Have you become so numb to it that you don't hear it anymore? Kyle hears it so much at work, that he says he doesn't hear it anymore. But, truth is if you're hearing it, you're more susceptible to using it.
Our lives need to be centered around our Savior, Jesus Christ; not school, my marriage, sports etc...
I am going to a Charlotte Mason Seminar this Saturday and I'm really excited about learning more!
Email me with your thoughts and concerns!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Thomas The Train weekend!
We went camping in Rusk this past weekend and rode Thomas The Train. My dad and Pam went and of course Kason, too. We also ran in to a couple that Kyle works with, Doug and Michele and their son, Grant.

Thank you Papa and Grammer!

There is so much to do! The boys had a BLAST in the bounce house. It had a really cool slide, too. There was a petting zoo. Johnny thought he was too cool because he got to lead a goat around on a leash. I felt bad for the poor ducks; there were kids picking them up by their tails and dropping them. I couldn't believe there wasn't someone keeping a closer eye on them. Hmmmm.. what else?? They had a hay ride; the picture is posted at the bottom of my blog page. The boys all got tattoos, dug in big barrels of sand for rocks, played on the play ground, played with trains on the 'Thomas' tables (like they don't have one at home!) Justin really enjoyed playing with the bubbles! Joel had fun at the activity tables; coloring and stamping papers and drawing with the stencils.
For the longest time no one could find Papa Rick and Johnny. Those two, I tell you, are two of a kind!! Mama Jean almost past out because she needed to eat, but Rick had the keys to the motorhome. So, I took her back to my camper and fed her; crackers and coke, but hey! It did the trick. Kyle finally found them on this hay ride. It looks like they were having a great time together, don't you think?! They had been all over the park. Here is one picture of off Ricks camera of Johnny and Sir Topham Hatt.

Over by the playground there was a drop off. Coming out were these huge tree roots! That made the best playground of all. Johnny and Justin had so much fun playing on them. I have no idea who the guy is that is catching Johnny. He was playing with his kids and Johnny jumped in on the fun. So shy, that boy! He was really nice and played with Johnny for quite some time!

Here is Kyle teaching Johnny to ride his bike without the training wheels. He was only using them to get started and when he stopped.

I'll try to post the rest of the pictures in my photo album. If you want to see all of them check back later...probably tomorrow. Hopefully Lindsay and her family will be able to join us next year!? Or go on the Polar Express with us next month!!
Thank you again Papa Rick and Grammer!!

Thank you Papa and Grammer!
We have gone the past three years and it's always so much fun! Joel was really excited this year. I was worried because a couple of months ago we drove to Palestine to check out RV Parks, and we saw "The Little Engine That Could" and Joel was scared to death of it. But he did great!

There is so much to do! The boys had a BLAST in the bounce house. It had a really cool slide, too. There was a petting zoo. Johnny thought he was too cool because he got to lead a goat around on a leash. I felt bad for the poor ducks; there were kids picking them up by their tails and dropping them. I couldn't believe there wasn't someone keeping a closer eye on them. Hmmmm.. what else?? They had a hay ride; the picture is posted at the bottom of my blog page. The boys all got tattoos, dug in big barrels of sand for rocks, played on the play ground, played with trains on the 'Thomas' tables (like they don't have one at home!) Justin really enjoyed playing with the bubbles! Joel had fun at the activity tables; coloring and stamping papers and drawing with the stencils.
For the longest time no one could find Papa Rick and Johnny. Those two, I tell you, are two of a kind!! Mama Jean almost past out because she needed to eat, but Rick had the keys to the motorhome. So, I took her back to my camper and fed her; crackers and coke, but hey! It did the trick. Kyle finally found them on this hay ride. It looks like they were having a great time together, don't you think?! They had been all over the park. Here is one picture of off Ricks camera of Johnny and Sir Topham Hatt.

Over by the playground there was a drop off. Coming out were these huge tree roots! That made the best playground of all. Johnny and Justin had so much fun playing on them. I have no idea who the guy is that is catching Johnny. He was playing with his kids and Johnny jumped in on the fun. So shy, that boy! He was really nice and played with Johnny for quite some time!

Here is Kyle teaching Johnny to ride his bike without the training wheels. He was only using them to get started and when he stopped.

I'll try to post the rest of the pictures in my photo album. If you want to see all of them check back later...probably tomorrow. Hopefully Lindsay and her family will be able to join us next year!? Or go on the Polar Express with us next month!!
Thank you again Papa Rick and Grammer!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Back in the swing of things!
I was reminded last weekend that my last update was in May. I had a wonderful summer just playing with the boys. I didn't get on the computer that much, because- in Aunt Irene's words "It's a time hog." I'll try to do better now that I will have a couple of days alone. Although, I've been very busy so far on those Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Johnny was not looking forward to going back to school, but he is really enjoying 1st grade. Wow! I can't believe I have a first grader. Pictures are from his first day of school.
Johnny was not looking forward to going back to school, but he is really enjoying 1st grade. Wow! I can't believe I have a first grader. Pictures are from his first day of school.
Parents Day Out didn't start until the week after school started, and Justin was ready to get back to it! He kept asking, "Mommy, is it my school day yet?" I was a little worried about Mr. Joel because he's such a momma's boy! But, he did great! He walked in, went potty for me, put all of his belongings away, and started playing with his friends! I was glad and sad; it made it easier to leave knowing he wasn't crying, but sad that he wasn't crying for me. Weird.. I know!

This picture I just thought the sky looked really cool! And- it was taken just minutes after the one from above.

It rained almost nonstop for seven days. I was glad to see it go for a couple of days for sure. The lake was so full the spillway couldn't keep up and it was going up over the dam, washing it away. Yikes! With all of the rain it has brought lots of rainbows! The boys love it because it means story time. They all run out to hear about The Story of Noah.

This picture I just thought the sky looked really cool! And- it was taken just minutes after the one from above.

OK well, I better stop here and get ready for church.
Until next time....
Until next time....
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I opened my cabinet door yesterday and this is what I saw. It kind of shocked me at first. Then I thought, Kyle is in so much trouble! He's bad about doing things for shock value. My next thought was, "No way, did Johnny somehow get that up in there?" I mean, really, there can't be a snake IN MY HOUSE, RIGHT?! I started to reach up and grab it and it occurred to me, I made a cake earlier today and that snake was not there. OH MY GOSH!! It's real!
As I screamed (jumping out of my skin) I grabbed the boys and ran outside. I called Debbie to see if Rick could come over. Then, I went back in (with the boys still sitting outside waiting on Papa to get here) so I could take pictures.
Look how long this stupid thing was! Mama Jean has killed three in the past couple of weeks down at her house.. at least they weren't in her house! I know one of them was at least 8ft. long.. if not longer. Not sure about length of the other two.
Snake posse to the rescue!
Don't mess with Mama Jean! As we were waiting for Papa Rick, Johnny says, "I know, Momma, you need Mama Jean!" She is Queen at killing snakes. Just ask Johnny.
Rick, I don't know that I've ever seen Lady that close without her barking at you. I guess she was really interested in what you were doing to that snake.
Before Mama Jean went home, she tells me that they usually travel in pairs. GREAT!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Where to begin??
I'm not sure where I even left off. Guess I should have looked before starting this blog.
Life has been crazy busy, but I've been loving it.. as usual. I know big surprise, right? Haha! I think since my last blog, we've celebrated Joel and Johnny's birthdays. Johnny wanted a hockey party, so we did STARS. We are huge fans of the Dallas Stars! Johnny too ever since Kyle took him to a game. Also, we are now in full swing of T-ball. Johnny is really enjoying it. Just a few weeks left of school to go. Yipy!!!!!!! I'm so ready for us to all be home together again.

My little Justin is having the time of his life watching his big brother play T-ball. He keeps asking when it's his turn. Poor little guy just doesn't understand he's too little. He keeps telling me, " No I not little. I big.. see!" And- he'll reach his little arm out as high up as he can get them. Look at this sweet adorable cutie patootie!! 
Joel we had a low key birthday party with just family; And Chris and Sarah and their baby boy Jackson, because Chris is the brother Kyle should have had. We did an Easter egg hunt and colored eggs.

This is one cool kid!! And- boy is this shirt fitting for him!!!
Jackson was having so much fun he colored mama, too!
This past month I've also been busy with my Uncle who was here from CO. I was going back and forth to Mesquite a couple of times a week and spending the weekends at my moms. I don't get to spend much time with him and wanted to soak up every minute I could with him! The other girl in this photo is my cousin, Steph. She lives in Kyle, TX and also drove in to visit with Uncle Vernon.
We went to the Rodeo. I'm not sure who had the most fun, Uncle Vernon or my boys!
Well, today Kyle went to Johnny's school and talked to the entire Kindergarten. Johnny had a smile from ear to ear. He was so proud of his daddy! Kyle talked to them about his job, told them to stay in school, always tell the truth and do your work.... that kind of stuff. Anyhow, the kids loved it!
Joel was watching his daddy's every move. Here he is with his arms crossed just like Kyle.
Joel has a sticker badge on and thought that was the coolest thing. He had it on most of the night and kept looking at it, and touching it.

OK. I really have to do better at these updates. Sorry guys; I know some have been asking, but as you can see, I've been overwhelmed.
Until next time...... hopefully sooner than later!
I'm not sure where I even left off. Guess I should have looked before starting this blog.
Life has been crazy busy, but I've been loving it.. as usual. I know big surprise, right? Haha! I think since my last blog, we've celebrated Joel and Johnny's birthdays. Johnny wanted a hockey party, so we did STARS. We are huge fans of the Dallas Stars! Johnny too ever since Kyle took him to a game. Also, we are now in full swing of T-ball. Johnny is really enjoying it. Just a few weeks left of school to go. Yipy!!!!!!! I'm so ready for us to all be home together again.

Joel we had a low key birthday party with just family; And Chris and Sarah and their baby boy Jackson, because Chris is the brother Kyle should have had. We did an Easter egg hunt and colored eggs.
This is one cool kid!! And- boy is this shirt fitting for him!!!

Jackson was having so much fun he colored mama, too!
This past month I've also been busy with my Uncle who was here from CO. I was going back and forth to Mesquite a couple of times a week and spending the weekends at my moms. I don't get to spend much time with him and wanted to soak up every minute I could with him! The other girl in this photo is my cousin, Steph. She lives in Kyle, TX and also drove in to visit with Uncle Vernon.
We went to the Rodeo. I'm not sure who had the most fun, Uncle Vernon or my boys!
Well, today Kyle went to Johnny's school and talked to the entire Kindergarten. Johnny had a smile from ear to ear. He was so proud of his daddy! Kyle talked to them about his job, told them to stay in school, always tell the truth and do your work.... that kind of stuff. Anyhow, the kids loved it!
Joel was watching his daddy's every move. Here he is with his arms crossed just like Kyle.
Joel has a sticker badge on and thought that was the coolest thing. He had it on most of the night and kept looking at it, and touching it.
OK. I really have to do better at these updates. Sorry guys; I know some have been asking, but as you can see, I've been overwhelmed.
Until next time...... hopefully sooner than later!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Long time.. no blog..
It's been a while, huh? I haven't stayed up this late in a long time, and that's usually when I do most of my blogging. Actually, I've made it a point to stay off of the computer during the day, too. I have really enjoyed the free time (not spent on the stupid computer or watching the stupid TV) instead I've played more games, or outside (weather permitting), and we've really had a lot of fun reading all of the new books the boys got for Christmas.
Anyhow- life this past month...
Johnny is enjoying Kindergarten.. well, for the most part. He is ready for it to be over, burned out, I guess. Poor little guy, he has a very long road a head of him and has no idea. :( He's learning so much though! I'm amazed at how fast he picks up on things. He has really become protective of his brothers.. becoming a good leader, too. He's always helping them with out me having to ask him!
My little snuggle bug, Justin has really come in to his own these past few weeks. That boy is too funny. He keeps us laughing and wondering what's next. He still has such a sweet disposition! He melts our hearts...ALWAYS giving kisses and hugs and telling you he loves you berry much! Most often it's just out of the blue, too! The other day Kyle and I were laying in bed and the boys in their beds, and we heard Justin say, "Johnny, I love you!" Then, Johnny said it back. Melted our hearts for sure!!
Now, Mr. Joel; also has come into his own. *eyes wide open* He is the smartest little booger. He talks more than any [almost] two year old I know. Well, okay, maybe my friend Kristi has a little girl who talks that well, too, but mine is smarter because he's mine. Right?? ;) Haha He doesn't take anything off of those big brother either. I have to really watch him. If they take something away, or do something he doesn't like, he's knocks the crud out of them. And- if there is something close by that he can pick up to hit them with, watch out! Oh, and he's really thinking hard about this whole potty training thing! He wants so badly to be in Justin's undies, so yesterday I let him wear them all day. He peed in the potty.. goodness, about every 30 minutes. I was potty trained out by the end of day! He wanted them again today, but I had relatives all the way from CA visiting, and I wanted to keep all of my attention on them, so we'll pick it back up tomorrow. I'm excited for the little stinker. He is so proud to be wearing brothers 'unies' and has the cutest smile ever as he tee tees.
Our Spring Break:
We went to Branson, Mo. And had an absolute blast!! With a few hang ups, but we were determined. I had a horrible head ache the first 3 or 4 days.. uggg, Kyle thought he had a hernia.. come to find out, he did sit-ups the day before we left and the Dr. thinks he may have just pulled something. Thank goodness- was not looking forward to paying more hospital bills this year.
Well, I loved! Little House on the Prairie growing up. We drove to Mansfield, MO and I got to walk in Laura Ingalls Wilder's house! Anyone who knew me growing up, knows how completely special this was for me! Then, the day after, Kyle and his parents drove me an hour (or more) back to see her grave site. It was the neatest thing for me. I was actually standing where her body lays. I know that may sound morbid, or what have you, but to me it's was great! Thank you, Kyle, for my blanket! I'm really glad you made me get it now! I love it. :o)
We did a lot of other really fun cool stuff too, but I won't go into great detail because how boring would that be for you to go on my vacation. I would post pictures, but I don't have them yet. I need to go rob my mother-in-law!! So, pics to come soon.
I will however tell you about this fun restaurant we ate at.. twice even! It's called Lambert's Cafe. If ever you go to MO, you have to eat here. Your kids will love it! They actually throw rolls at you from across the room!! How cool was that for my little men!
OK.. I'm really sleepy and can't think anymore. I'm off to bed. Until next time....
Anyhow- life this past month...
Johnny is enjoying Kindergarten.. well, for the most part. He is ready for it to be over, burned out, I guess. Poor little guy, he has a very long road a head of him and has no idea. :( He's learning so much though! I'm amazed at how fast he picks up on things. He has really become protective of his brothers.. becoming a good leader, too. He's always helping them with out me having to ask him!
My little snuggle bug, Justin has really come in to his own these past few weeks. That boy is too funny. He keeps us laughing and wondering what's next. He still has such a sweet disposition! He melts our hearts...ALWAYS giving kisses and hugs and telling you he loves you berry much! Most often it's just out of the blue, too! The other day Kyle and I were laying in bed and the boys in their beds, and we heard Justin say, "Johnny, I love you!" Then, Johnny said it back. Melted our hearts for sure!!
Now, Mr. Joel; also has come into his own. *eyes wide open* He is the smartest little booger. He talks more than any [almost] two year old I know. Well, okay, maybe my friend Kristi has a little girl who talks that well, too, but mine is smarter because he's mine. Right?? ;) Haha He doesn't take anything off of those big brother either. I have to really watch him. If they take something away, or do something he doesn't like, he's knocks the crud out of them. And- if there is something close by that he can pick up to hit them with, watch out! Oh, and he's really thinking hard about this whole potty training thing! He wants so badly to be in Justin's undies, so yesterday I let him wear them all day. He peed in the potty.. goodness, about every 30 minutes. I was potty trained out by the end of day! He wanted them again today, but I had relatives all the way from CA visiting, and I wanted to keep all of my attention on them, so we'll pick it back up tomorrow. I'm excited for the little stinker. He is so proud to be wearing brothers 'unies' and has the cutest smile ever as he tee tees.
Our Spring Break:
We went to Branson, Mo. And had an absolute blast!! With a few hang ups, but we were determined. I had a horrible head ache the first 3 or 4 days.. uggg, Kyle thought he had a hernia.. come to find out, he did sit-ups the day before we left and the Dr. thinks he may have just pulled something. Thank goodness- was not looking forward to paying more hospital bills this year.
Well, I loved! Little House on the Prairie growing up. We drove to Mansfield, MO and I got to walk in Laura Ingalls Wilder's house! Anyone who knew me growing up, knows how completely special this was for me! Then, the day after, Kyle and his parents drove me an hour (or more) back to see her grave site. It was the neatest thing for me. I was actually standing where her body lays. I know that may sound morbid, or what have you, but to me it's was great! Thank you, Kyle, for my blanket! I'm really glad you made me get it now! I love it. :o)
We did a lot of other really fun cool stuff too, but I won't go into great detail because how boring would that be for you to go on my vacation. I would post pictures, but I don't have them yet. I need to go rob my mother-in-law!! So, pics to come soon.
I will however tell you about this fun restaurant we ate at.. twice even! It's called Lambert's Cafe. If ever you go to MO, you have to eat here. Your kids will love it! They actually throw rolls at you from across the room!! How cool was that for my little men!
OK.. I'm really sleepy and can't think anymore. I'm off to bed. Until next time....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hockey game with my dad!

My daddy-o and I went to a STARS game tonight! It was nice not having the boys hanging all over me (don't get me wrong- I LOVE my boys hanging on me all the time), but getting to spend quality time with my dad was great!! Even if they lost.. oh well, can't win them all.
I even splurged and bought myself a shirt. I also got Johnny one for his birthday. Then of course- Kyle wanted one, too. I figured we could all wear our hockey shirts for Johnny's birthday party since that's the theme anyhow! So, it was worth it, right??
Thank you Chris for the tickets, and Kyle- for being super dad.. as usual. Oh.. can't forget Mama Jean for getting the boys to and from church. Thank you guys for a much needed break!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Go fish!
My father-in-law came over yesterday while I was ironing and asked if Johnny could go fishing. He said he threw his line out 3 times and caught 3 fish. Of course Johnny jumped at the chance to fish! I thought I would go give it a shot, too. My very first cast I caught a fish.
Johnny is holding the second fish caught. We were catching them left and right! I actually lost count. And- most of them we caught were about this size!! This fish had a small fish in his mouth. We could just see the tail...groady!

Haha Lynn! Just kidding! Johnny said he left you the little ones. You need to come visit and fish.

Kyle took Justin and Joel for a ride on the golf cart. They came back just as the fish stopped biting. Here's Justin giving it a shot anyhow.

Joel wants that pole Papa!

And as always, what Joel wants Joel gets.

Guess I need to go teach Johnny how to play the card game, go fish!!
Happy Monday! And- Happy Birthday to my cousin Mary!!
Johnny is holding the second fish caught. We were catching them left and right! I actually lost count. And- most of them we caught were about this size!! This fish had a small fish in his mouth. We could just see the tail...groady!

Haha Lynn! Just kidding! Johnny said he left you the little ones. You need to come visit and fish.

Kyle took Justin and Joel for a ride on the golf cart. They came back just as the fish stopped biting. Here's Justin giving it a shot anyhow.

Joel wants that pole Papa!

And as always, what Joel wants Joel gets.

Guess I need to go teach Johnny how to play the card game, go fish!!
Happy Monday! And- Happy Birthday to my cousin Mary!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Addicts I tell you
This is the boys on the gator rounding the corner to their Mama Jean's house.
I was taking groceries in the house and I told the boys they could jump on the trampoline while I was unloading the truck. They decided to ride the gator instead. I told Johnny that was fine as long as they stay away from the water. Next thing I knew they were off to Mama Jean's house. They're kinda' addicted!
Then again.. so is she!

I'm sure Johnny was asking to spend the night with her.

Watch out Mama Jean. They're coming for ya'.

After we got home I asked Johnny why he took off to Mama Jean's without asking and he tells me, "Well, you only said stay away from the water. You didn't say anything about Mama Jean's house." *rolling eyes* He's a smarty that boy! And too cute for my own good.
Here's my little Lady. She was right on my heels and too cute not to share!
Then again.. so is she!
I'm sure Johnny was asking to spend the night with her.
Watch out Mama Jean. They're coming for ya'.
After we got home I asked Johnny why he took off to Mama Jean's without asking and he tells me, "Well, you only said stay away from the water. You didn't say anything about Mama Jean's house." *rolling eyes* He's a smarty that boy! And too cute for my own good.
Here's my little Lady. She was right on my heels and too cute not to share!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I was tagged
Tag! You're it!
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3) Explain the picture.
4) Tag 4 people to do the same. No cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)
Well, this was actually #5, but 4 was blurry and pretty much the same thing. there couldn't be a nastier picture. This one is of the first house Kyle and I bought in Mesquite. We gutted it as you can see here. That's my dad putting it back together!!
I'm going to tag Mary Jane, Berny Duke, Debbie Griffin, Deanne Cleere, and Sarah Duke. I know that's five, but I wanted to see one from all five of them! And- anyone else who want to do it, too. My taggies that don't have a blog just email it.
I have been tagged by my friend Kristi. Here are the rules:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3) Explain the picture.
4) Tag 4 people to do the same. No cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)

I'm going to tag Mary Jane, Berny Duke, Debbie Griffin, Deanne Cleere, and Sarah Duke. I know that's five, but I wanted to see one from all five of them! And- anyone else who want to do it, too. My taggies that don't have a blog just email it.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy helpers

The boys love to help cook. I try to give them things to do, because they love to help, but I'm usually in a hurry.. trying to get dinner ready for Kyle by the time he gets home. So here they are helping.. or they thought so anyway. I gave them each a potato and told them to peal away. They had so much fun, and stayed out of my way. It was a win win for us all. Why did it take so long to think of it?!?!
Here is Mr. Joel helping his Papa lay our new floors. He thought he was a big helper. It was too cute. You needed all that help, right dad?
We celebrated Kyle's birthday last Friday. I guess you can see here he got Muppets for his birthday. We're kinda' fans of the Muppets around here!
Here is THE collection!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Great savings!!
Everything listed here is 40 -50% OFF!!! These platinum compacts have been discontinued, and the eye and cheek colors are the fillers for them. So.. here's the deal!! I have 2 of each of these compacts. If you fill them with the discounted colors.. it's yours FREE! First come first serve. I only have one of each of the colors left...unless listed otherwise. Tax is not included in the prices. It's 8.25% with FREE SHIPPING!!
For those who don't know me, I'm Trisha at You can look at my website HERE. If you have questions call 214-477-5815 or email me at:
Custom Compact: buy one lip stick ($7.80 for the ones listed) or gloss, three eye colors ($3.90 each), and one cheek color ($6) and it's yours FREE!
Black $5.50
For those who don't know me, I'm Trisha at You can look at my website HERE. If you have questions call 214-477-5815 or email me at:

Lip color duos....50% OFF

If you share this great offer with a friend or two, or three (get the idea), and they purchase something.. I will give you a free gift PLUS 25% OFF of your next purchase!
While I'm at it.. if you would like a new compact with all the new mineral colors- fill it and I'll throw the compact in for FREE. Look at my website and register. That puts you on my mailing list and I mail out the new Look book each quarter and it's full of samples. If you would like a sample before that, email me and I'll get that to you sooner if possible! Click HERE to register or just shop around. Take the virtual makeover, too! It's too much fun!!
If you share this great offer with a friend or two, or three (get the idea), and they purchase something.. I will give you a free gift PLUS 25% OFF of your next purchase!
While I'm at it.. if you would like a new compact with all the new mineral colors- fill it and I'll throw the compact in for FREE. Look at my website and register. That puts you on my mailing list and I mail out the new Look book each quarter and it's full of samples. If you would like a sample before that, email me and I'll get that to you sooner if possible! Click HERE to register or just shop around. Take the virtual makeover, too! It's too much fun!!
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